Monday, January 5, 2009

Muscle Building Techniques

If you are like most bodybuilders the straight sets you have been doing have made noticeable changes in you physique, but now you have plateaued. You have been using the same muscle building techniques that have brought you great results day after day and month after month. It's inevitable that sooner or later your body will become used to you normal training routine and refuse to grow. Your muscles have built up a tolerance to your Weight Training Programs .

What now? Its time for advanced muscle building techniques. You need change to keep your body guessing and your muscles growing.

One of the simplest and easiest ways to encourage new muscle growth is to change the time of day you work out. Your body is an interesting machine that adapts to routines that are repetitive. Your body knows to expect that every Monday at 7:00am you will be at the gym doing your usual routine. A simple change in your workout time can very often kick start your body into new growth.

Change the order of your exercises. Do you recall the very first time you started your routine? I'll bet your muscles were pretty sore the first couple of weeks. As time passes by your muscles become used to the same routine, and that soreness decreases over time. Your muscles are building up a resistance to your routine. To shock your muscles into new growth change the order of your routine. For arguments sake lets say you are always stating off with the bench press and then performing incline dumbbell benches. Switch the order and see how your muscles respond.

Try changing your sets and reps. This is by far, one of the easiest ways to increase the intensity of your workouts. If your used to doing 3 sets of 8 reps on the squat rack experiment with adding an additional set at the end of your routine. Along with this, change up your rep ranges. In the above example in the last set on the squat rack drop the weight 20lbs and increases your reps from 8 to 15. This should make your legs burn!

Try adding some negatives at the end of each set. This is a great way to fully exhaust a muscle group. Certain exercises like curls are great for this. Once your muscle group has reached positive failure for a set, perform a few negatives at the end for total failure. When performing negatives make sure you have a spotter.

For more information on Muscle Building click here Muscle Building Program

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