Thursday, January 8, 2009

Training for a 5K with Walking and Running

The 5k run walk event is very popular with those who are regular walkers (and even those who are not!) as the next level in both a fitness regime as well as an enjoyable competitive sport. The mixture of running and power walking reduces the overall impact of the exertion on the body and lessens the risk of injury. Since it is up to you as to how much you run and how much you walk, you can find the balance that suits you best without over straining your body.

5k is about 3.2 miles and there is a wide variety of the time it take to run or walk this depending on the level of fitness so you are looking at 20 minutes to an hour. You really want to remember when you are a beginner that you don't hold yourself to too high of standard and you aren't comparing yourself to others.

Presuming that you are already a walker, 5K Running for the 5k run walk is not difficult. If you search bookstores and the internet you will fine a huge volume of material on run walk techniques and 5K Training programs. As a beginner you don’t need to worry about all that at this time. A simple 3 stage (3 days X 2 of Jogging and one day rest) weekly training program should get you into shape for the race.

Start each day’s training with a simple stretching and warm up routine. This should not take more than 3 or 4 minutes and should leave you feeling loose and relaxed.

Stage 1 (Mondays & Thursdays) – These are your speed training days. Run a sort distance – up to a quarter mile – as fast as you comfortably can. Slowly build up your performance. One Mondays keep trying the increase your speed and on Thursdays increase your distance till you can do 2k at a fast pace.

Stage 2 (Tuesday & Fridays) – These are your run walk day. Starting by covering 2k at a moderate pace by a combination of running and walking (about 50% each). Moderate pace means something between a flat out run or high speed walk and a slow jog or causal stroll.

Stage 3 (Wednesday & Saturday) – These two days are meant for stamina building. Start at 2 or 3k and work your way up to 5.5k. Speed is not important here (that does not mean you can take it too easy). The real importance is that you can finish the whole 5.5k without feeling exhausted and totally out of breath. If you are wondering why the distance is 5.5 and not just 5k, it because the extra distance will give you stamina for a fast burst at the end when you are in a race.

Modify the days to suit your convenience but ensure that there is one rest day a week so you muscles can recover and build themselves up. Adjust the training intensity and progress to suit your body. You really want to not try to measure your success by your time but how you feel after you cross the finish line.

Jogging Tip is a brand new website that is all about jogging. Jogging tip is your perfect place to join with the rest of your jogging friends. Learn about training for a 5k and running your first 5K race. Come by Jogging today to get your free jogging ebooks just for signing up to be a member of the jogging tip website.

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