Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Talking About Usual Causes Of Pregnancy Back Pain

Hormones during the pregnancy can cause joints to weaken and some forms of exercise can increase the amount of back pain during pregnancy.  Actions that cause a pregnant woman’s extra weight to shift unevenly and cause back pain during their pregnancy can include anything from rolling over in bed to walking to bending over.  There are two main types of pregnancy back pain, lumbar pain and posterior pelvic pain.  Lumbar pain is lower back pain and can be caused by staying in the one position for too long or repeating a motion such as lifting.  Posterior pelvic pain is pain felt in the back of the pelvis and can spread across the tailbone, pelvic region and even the legs.  It is not easily relieved and can be brought on by rolling over in bed, climbing stairs and getting out of baths or beds.

Pregnancy back pain can be a major problem for many women.  Too many doctors and women alike seem to accept pregnancy back pain as part of the process but it can cause long-term back problems as well as drastically affecting the lives of sufferers.  Pregnancy back pain can begin in the first trimester and last beyond delivery.  Some simple steps can alleviate or even prevent the chances of experiencing pregnancy back pain.  Minimize the activities that put stress on the back and pelvis such as walking and climbing stairs.  Take frequent breaks especially if you are sitting or standing in the same position for prolonged periods of time.  Do not lift anything heavy and consult your doctor for appropriate exercises designed to strengthen your back muscles.

Consider making an effort to improve your posture and ask your doctor if there is a chance that your exercise regime may put you at risk from pregnancy back pain in the long run.  Once pregnancy back pain occurs, it generally does not stop until after the baby is born.

The author of this article is a Solar Panel and web design expert. His latest ecommerce site is about Bathrooms Remodeling Ideas & Bathrooms Design and Cabinet NZ .

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