Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jason Ferruggia And His Muscle Gaining Secrets

When you have the correct information right in front of you it is much easier to build muscle mass. With the right kind of information, from a trained professional, you'll be on your way to making incredible gains faster than you ever thought possible.

If you are ready to throw in the towel when it comes to your present muscle gain, I sympathize with you, and I understand exactly what you are going through. I was pounding the weights for many years before I finally discovered the correct way to gain muscle mass.

This is when I discoverd a gentleman by the name of Jason Ferruggia. Jason has been weightlifting for more than 19 years, and that includes 14 years as an instructor. He is a professional strength & conditioning coach, trainer, lecturer and consultant. He has been featured in magazines such as Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health and Maximum Fitness.

Below are some of the weight training techniques I’ve learned from Jason. I have found these tips to be very effective in building muscle mass and increasing strength as quickly as possible.

Using the correct form and proper weight for 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions, perform each exercise to fatigue. Free weights will give more gains than workout machines, but they do require more attention to form.

If you are not allowing for enough recovery time between your muscle building sessions, your muscles will never grow properly. If your starting to find that you can't lift slightly more weight each week, you'll need to check your methods of recovery. Make sure to set aside time for your muscles to rest so they can keep growing.

Be sure to set some goals for yourself. Ask yourself what exactly is it you would like to accomplish. What shape would you like to be in six months to a year from now? Is gaining strength for sports the reason you want to lift weights? Are you weightlifting to look good strutting down the beach? Do you want to lift weights to get stronger? You will have tremendous modivation to continue lifting weights once you have discoverd why you want to lift weights.

Jason hs helped me out a lot in my muscle building goals, and his program The Muscle Gaining Secrets is one of the main reasons for my success.

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