Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Muscle Building Workout

The purpose of a muscle building workout is to gain muscle mass in the most efficient manner possible.

Now like everything else, a good plan is always a good idea and it is no different with building muscle.

Before you start your exercise you need to warm up and when you are finished your muscle exercises you need to cool down. Warm up and cool down are almost more important than the exercise period itself as they protect the muscles from injury and get them ready for exercise.

The warm-ups should be simple exercises starting with a little bit of cardio followed by a few sets of low intensity weight sets to get the mind and muscles warm and ready for the exercise to come. Taking a willy-nilly approach to your muscle exercises by just wondering in to the gym and starting your exercises will lead to injury. Once you've injured your muscles you can say goodbye to the gym for a little while thus defeating the purpose of going in the first place.

The workout part of your workout is where the real muscle building begins. Careful consideration should also be given to the exercises.The objective is to know exactly which exercises you will do, exactly what weights you will use and what repetitions you will do and how many sets of each exercise.Turning up willy-nilly and just doing various exercises without any real plan means you will get diminished results.

Knowing exctly what you going to do when you enter the gym makes for a great stress free workout that can be tracked.

We all know that muscle is built by stressing the muscle fibers and that the healing process is what adds to our muscle mass.Therefore keeping detailed record of our exercises is imperative.

The previous week we were to 2 sets of five reps with 20 kg.In order to get bigger muscles we need to increase the intensity of the exercise either by picking up a heavier weights or doing more repetitions.It is recommended to maintain low reps but in this case we would increase the reps to seven.

As you can see if you did not know what you did last week, it would be impossible to know what to do this week. Now can you see the importance of planning your muscle building workout.

Only exercise each muscle group once per week.Trying to exercise a particular muscle group twice in the same week really doesn't give you any muscle gain in fact it will hinder it.

Let’s say on day one in the gym you exercise legs and abs and on day two you exercise triceps, chest and shoulders. Combining forearms, biceps and back is make the week a wrap. Make sure every other day is a rest day.

To complete your workout plan you need to decide what exercises you want to do for the particular muscle group.example for leg exercises you may choose to do barbell squats, leg press, lying leg curls, standing machine calf raises, seated machine calf raised.

As a general guideline plan to no more than 5-7 sets in total for large muscle groups such as the legs and no more than 2-4 sets for smaller muscle groups such as biceps.

For large muscle groups limit the rep to between five and seven. For small muscle groups limit the wraps to between ten and twelve. Once you can pick up the weight for 7 reps for 2 sets for example then its time to increase the weight.

So have fun planning your muscle workout Good plans always bear fruit.

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