Saturday, January 3, 2009

Improving your Running with 10Ks

When you first start running you do it for fun. Maybe you started as a jogger and after awhile you wanted to take your running to a different space. One of the best ways to do this is to run a 5K or 10K race.

Many people start by running a 5K or 10K race because it means that you really have to train instead of running just for fun. As people get healthier with jogging these types of races seem to be in reach of their fitness goals.

Motivation is another reason to run a race. You will stay motivated a lot longer because you have decided to do something that is more involved.  The 10K race is also very challenging so it takes a runner who is flexible and able to change as it is needed.

Some experienced 5K Running use intervals as a way to get moving towards their goal of a 10K race. They may run at an easy pace for about 10 minutes the move into a more intense run for 2 minutes then decrease the pace again to 2 minutes of easy running. This can take time to accomplish but it can be a sure way to create more stamina to run the longer 10K race.

There are many different types of races and some people will start with a 2K, 5K or 8K race to build themselves up to the 10K race. This approach gives the individual a way to compare where they have been and see the new results of the faster run.

Another way that many joggers prepare for a 10K race is through the Learn to Run program. Eight weeks may seem like a long time but in reality its not and this schedule will set you on pace for running a great 10k. They assume that you are a very healthy person already.
The number one misconception is that jogging and running a 10k are similar things and they are not close to being the same. When you start running you might only be able to do short runs at first because it is a faster pace than when you are jogging.

As an example, you may start out 5K Running for 2 minutes walking for 1 minute, walking for 1 minute  and then waking again for 1 minute. This is a pace that could be kept up for 20 minutes. This is important because you should not overdo your pace.

Each day you can increase the time on each section until you can increase your 5K Training to 20 minutes without slowing down or stopping at least 3 days a week. This will help you meet your goal of the 10K race.

Starting out with a goal of how many miles you will do each day will take you to your goal of a 10K race. Getting to your goal of a 10k race takes motivation and flexibility and this is what will help you get there.

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