Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bodylastics:How to Develop the Muscles Without Hurting the Joints

My search for an exercise equipment or gadget that works well on muscles but does not hurt the joints was long and difficult.The appeal of work outs at the gym religiously done for years have lessened these days for me.So one day I sort of computed my membership payments and the result floored me! I could invest in an exercise product, and actually save money.

My search was on!I began comparing Bowflex with other products, seriously evaluating them for suitability to my needs.They were all too complicated and very expensive to boot!Some friends already own them.I worked out the equipment to determine the pluses and minuses more accurately. It didn’t take long to realize that this equipment was not right for my routine, or needs.

So meantime that I was looking for that product, I searched the Internet for 'exercise bands' as stop-gap muscle-toning gadget. Then I came across something: "Bodylastics, A home gym exercise system", it said. When I clicked on the site, I was baffled.It was simply resistance bands! And they call that a whole system?Uhh ha...Probably, I thought, and looked for it.And there it was, the magic words..."Won't hurt the joints."!Works on the muscles!"Exactly what I need! Yet, is that possible with just some resistance bands?

Still skeptical, but very curious, I keep reading.Over 140 gym exercises may be done with the exercise band, it said.The assertions were backed up by demo pictures.And it said the product was not a static strength exercise band.The user can opt for any of the 15-94 tension strengths that comprise the system. The various levels of tension was designed to gradualy increase exercise difficulty without anything else.

So I decided to gamble with my 49.00.And add 95 cents for a single trial exercise. After all, I spend more than that on my gym membership.Maybe I could save 20,000 dollars if the band was what I was forever seeking.

Fo for three months now, I have exercised solely with the Bodylastics exercise band. And no words can exactly describe what I want to say.”

Amazing how a little product that can fit in a drawer develop results similar to gym-based exercises, yet be so inexpensive almoost everyone can afford it.My muscles felt larger, stronger and more toned; I lost some flabs, but got no aching joints, unlike before

The momentum created, when lifting a free-weight , actually damages ligaments and tendons.With Bodylastics exercises, however, the tendons, ligaments and joints are not stressed. So when I travel, my whole gym exercise system goes with me in a single bag. No more paying guest gym fees.The most valuable $50.00 of my life.

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