Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weight Loss Solutions For Your Midsection

the truth about six pack abs review

Look around and you will see the new species of human beings already walking the face of the earth. They are a curious species, extremely large around the middle section, but having ill developed hands and feet.

Consequently these people have a tendency to fall prey to obesity evils like heart attack, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Are you one of them?

Do you spend your precious time wondering how to lose that extra flab from your mid riff and acquire those killer six pack abs of your favorite celebrity.

Well, before, we delve into the secrets of acquiring that washboard flat ab, let me suggest how you can lose fat and gain muscle in the middle section.

Your diet makes a lot of difference in your ability to lose abdominal fat.

Do you know the four commandments of a healthy existence?

1)  drink at least 15 glasses of water every day

2)  get adequate sleep, i.e, at least 7-8 hours at night

3)  proper exercise

4)  and nutrition.

It has been proved scientifically that people who get inadequate sleep everyday tend to put on weight more easily than others.  

It's necessary to drink enough water, since water forms the reaction medium for all sorts of metabolism inside your body. Dehydration leads to stiffening of body tissues and deposition of excess fat in your arteries and veins.

The best way to diet for you depends entirely on the type of metabolism you possess.

Generally, nutritionists recommend you cut down on excess carbohydrates and fat, increase your intake of protein, fibers, complex carbs, healthy fats like cod liver oil, and foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

Anything in excess acts like a poison in your body, slowing down your body’s metabolism and depositing excess fats in your mid section. Instead of eating three large meals in a day, try having your food in six small portions around the clock. That way your body’s metabolic system will be giving its best performance, providing you with the requisite energy and not allowing any calories to be stored up as fat.

Don’t miss breakfast, and make sure you have a small meal every 2-3 hours after that. Do not starve yourself! Getting rid of your excess mid riff bulk doesn’t mean becoming anorexic. If you think starving yourself will guarantee that your body uses up the stored reserves of fat to provide you with energy, you are grossly mistaken! This will only cause acidity and other gastric problems leading to stomach ulcers.  

Remove the impurities and toxins from your body by consuming fiber supplements and body wraps. Detoxification of your body ensures that it functions properly. Just as a machine with impurities in its engine cannot perform efficiently, so our body also cannot fight the battle to knock off mid riff weight with impurities wreaking havoc in your system.

Does your work require sitting in front of the computer for long hours every day? While you are at work, maybe you can’t resist the temptation to enjoy a tasty hamburger or doughnut, these junk foods hasten your impending doom.

Why don’t you try yoga? Yoga encourages some amazing midriff breathing exercises which have been found to be very effective in losing midsection flab and lowering one’s blood sugar level. That means doing two things at once...

Intense cardiovascular exercises at least 2-3 times a week is necessary to keep up your heart rate. These exercises must be done using proper techniques in a controlled manner, so that every abdominal muscle (upper abs,lower abs and obliques) gets adequate exercise and in no time, you will possess a killer middle section!

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