Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lose Excess Fat By Eating Slowly

It may come as a surprise to you that consuming less quickly than normal can seriously affect what you weigh. If your aim is to lose body fat fast you really must listen to this.

When it takes longer to eat your food, the less stuff you will have to have to be satisfied. Here are a couple of tips to help release you from the negative routine of hurrying your food and thus overeating.

Be certain you chew your food more before you swallow it. When you spend longer chomping your meals your tummy feels fuller but doesn't actually need that much food. This also means your body is able to digest the food more easily.

Swallow what you have in your mouth prior to piling more on your fork. One simple way of doing this is to physically put down your fork or spoon until you are ready to pick up the next bit of food to eat. One more point here with the battle to lose abdominal fat is that this bit is very much psychology.

This halts the habit of over eating, from eating too quickly. If you examine how French people in particular dine as a whole, you would notice that not only do they have smaller meal portions they spend a lot longer to eating their food. They keep the weight off by two methods.

Another relevant point here is that French families dine together more often. Then there is more chance for conversation to develop and that will also slow down the speed of food consumption. A double bonus is it also aids in keeping the family together.

You will discover that as soon as you begin eating a little more slowly you will actually start to apprecitate the meals much more. This gives you more time to enjoy the flavors.

Your body needs a few minutes after you eat to tell you it has had its fill. A lot of people feel they are still hungry, however they aren't. You shouldn't ever eat until you are full; instead eat until you feel comfortable that you have had enough.

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