Friday, October 31, 2008

Weight Loss Diet Patch - Dietrine Weight Loss Patch

When it comes to weight loss, the first thought that comes to mind is to pump some iron in the gym or to use a special diet plan that may be close to starvation.

However, there are other ways that can be used to lose weight. No more sweating in the gym and more starvation, as dietrine weight loss patch can help you lose weight without all the sweat.

It contains food supplements and minerals that are approved and are harmless for human use. Dietrine works by blocking carbohydrates from being converted into fats that are stored in your body. The fats are then passed out as waste matter.

Appetite is the main thing that dietrine weight loss diet patch deals with. It can be taken as an appetitive suppresser that can help you to stay away from unhealthy and compelling diets.

The other thing that it does is to enhance your metabolism and that is often the deciding factor whether you can lose weight in the long run or gain back those weights again.

Hormonal imbalance can be a factor in gaining weight and dietrine weight loss patch is quite impressive in managing that. It can bring a trade-off between the hormones which eventually will result in better physique and slimmer body.

All these things can be done in a really easy way, all you have to do is to apply the patch at the required area and it will start working. It will take three days to remove the old patch and apply a new one. Actually, the patch exudes some amazing weight management substances that get in from your skin and increases the rate of metabolism to get the required results.

It can also help to manage the iodine that comes from thyroid glands. Thyroid is directly related to your metabolism and the dietrine patch can really help to stimulate that as it contains some of the best natural minerals to tackle this matter.

Dietrine weight loss diet patch is a natural supplement that provides a natural cure for obesity. All of the ingredients that it uses are natural and that is why there are no side effects.

However, people with specific medical conditions like diabetic or other such diseases, must consult their physician before using it. But for most people with no major health issues, it doesn’t cause any problems.

Click here to check out my Dietrine carb blocker review and learn whether is dietrine scam or the real deal.

The Obesity Epidemic - How To Burn The Fat!

Ever since obesity has been named as an epidemic, it has attracted attention throughout the globe.

In America weight loss has become an industry. Fans of diet plans make claims of how much weight you may lose and how fast you will shed the pounds.The latest weight loss product is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots you may have notced the hype for this one is spiralling out of control!

Some go to the limit of saying that you will lose up to 10-12 lbs in a week while medical professionals warn that such claims are ludicrous and weight reduction of such proportions can come about just by losing water which is damaging to the system. Likewise there's always the risk of gaining weight just as fast when you stop working on the plan. Essentially all these plans boil down to some basics.

The body's weight is made a contribution by fat, muscles, bones and water. Here's what you should do...increase metabolism so that excess fat can be burnt off ; burn off the fat that is stored in the body by exercises and fat burning food. But don't starve the body of the necessary nutrients. There's no clear definition of "fad diet" ; it is terribly subjective. Trend diet is popularly reputedly a poor weight reduction diet. A trend diet often becomes awfully well-liked extraordinarily quickly and falls out of favor just as quickly. Regularly promoted by parties that publish books about the diet or those that sell some additions or ingredients that are part of the trend diet, a trend diet may not achieve anything at all or at times may have an inauspicious effect on health.

The natural diet plan relies on use of food voters that are routinely in your diet ; it advises some of the voters as being useful and some others as being dangerous from the perspective of weight reduction. As an example, it may recommend certain fish like Sardines, herrings, etc as providing advantageous Omega three greasy acids or may counsel use of lean meat but not others such as pork ; it may endorse low-fat skimmed milk but not the ordinary fresh milk.For an alternative method take a look at my fat loss 4 idiots review and prepare to get the full skinny on losing weight.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to motivate yourself to lose weight a safe and natural way

Key motivators for weight loss help

Losing weight is just like getting wealthy. There is only 1 way to do it that works. However, there are very many ways to go about that one way. To get wealthy, you have make more cash than you spend. And there’s hundreds of ways to do that. To lose weight permanently, you have burn more calories than you eat. And there’s many, many ways to do that also.

So why is motivation the true key to safe and natural weight loss? Because it actually does not matter exactly how you go about losing weight. All that really matters is that you find the correct motivation to lose weight that works for you.

It does not matter what your personal motivation is for safe and effective weight loss is. It can be something very simple like just wanting to live longer and be thinner. It may take something more intense like specail weight loss visualization techniques. When the correct weight loss motivation is found, you’ll have the ability to lose weight- no matter which way you decide to go about it.

Remember, it doesn’t matter one bit how you create that calorie deficit- as long as you go about in a safe and healthy fashion. You can eat healthier and walk more often. You can train for a marathon and give up junk food. As long you can motivate yourself to lose weight, it doesn't matter exactly how the weight comes off.

My best advise is this: Don’t count on something you’ve bought to give you any motivation to lose weight. A new pair of running shoes isn’t going to inspire you to lose weight. You need to find the motivation for weight loss first. Once you discover the right weight loss motivators for you, doing whatever; walking, running, treadmill, etc. is easier. It’s easier use the correct weight loss "tool" because the right motivation is already there.

So before you begin a weight loss transformation, I would urge you to do some soul searching and discover your key motivators for weight loss. Again, it doesn't matter what they are. All that matters is that they are strong enough motivators for you. The most challanging time in weight loss is the first several weeks. That’s when you’re trying to break your past weight gain habits.

It takes some very serious motivation to not give up on your safe weight loss goal during this time. However, as long as you maintain your personal motivations to naturally lose weight, it soon becomes much easier. You really must be prepared not to give up during those first critical few weeks. So have those motivatiors at the ready. And above all, do not give up. It will get a lot easier. Very rapidly you'll forget about how challanging it felt. You'll be too busy enjoying your new body and life.

Lose Excess Fat By Eating Slowly

It may come as a surprise to you that consuming less quickly than normal can seriously affect what you weigh. If your aim is to lose body fat fast you really must listen to this.

When it takes longer to eat your food, the less stuff you will have to have to be satisfied. Here are a couple of tips to help release you from the negative routine of hurrying your food and thus overeating.

Be certain you chew your food more before you swallow it. When you spend longer chomping your meals your tummy feels fuller but doesn't actually need that much food. This also means your body is able to digest the food more easily.

Swallow what you have in your mouth prior to piling more on your fork. One simple way of doing this is to physically put down your fork or spoon until you are ready to pick up the next bit of food to eat. One more point here with the battle to lose abdominal fat is that this bit is very much psychology.

This halts the habit of over eating, from eating too quickly. If you examine how French people in particular dine as a whole, you would notice that not only do they have smaller meal portions they spend a lot longer to eating their food. They keep the weight off by two methods.

Another relevant point here is that French families dine together more often. Then there is more chance for conversation to develop and that will also slow down the speed of food consumption. A double bonus is it also aids in keeping the family together.

You will discover that as soon as you begin eating a little more slowly you will actually start to apprecitate the meals much more. This gives you more time to enjoy the flavors.

Your body needs a few minutes after you eat to tell you it has had its fill. A lot of people feel they are still hungry, however they aren't. You shouldn't ever eat until you are full; instead eat until you feel comfortable that you have had enough.

Control Servings to Control Your Weight

Portion and serving control is an important part of losing weight. Once you cut out all of that extra food, you will find your fat loss greatly improved. Here are some tips that you can use to make sure that your meals and snacks are just the right size.


Plate Patrol


Your plate can be the key to overeating and portion control.

Larger plates allow you to fill up on more food. Using a smaller plate is a great way to keep your portions under control. The smaller plate only allows for smaller portions, so you eat less.

While you are filling that smaller plate, remember to fill it in thirds: one-third vegetable, one-third high fiber bread or pasta, and one-third lean meat product.


 Censored Servings

If you find yourself snacking throughout the day and into the night, there is help for your serving situations. The key is to avoid temptations. Remember, losing weight fast depends on not overeating and controlling your portions:

·        Stay away from vending machines.

·        Keep snack foods in cupboards and out of sight.

·        Don’t keep a candy dish in your home or office.

·        Similarly, don’t keep a bowl of chips around during TV watching.

·        Buy a very limited amount of snacks and put them in single serving baggies. Limit yourself to one a day.

·        Don’t buy large bags of any kind of snack food. Look for single servings or “fun” sized servings and only eat one.

Just making these few changes can have a dramatic impact on your health, diet, and weight. If you really want to see rapid weight loss results, combine these techniques with a professionally certified exercise plan, like the one in this No Nonsense Muscle Building review. Within just a week or two you'll see your body change. A combination of exercise and diet improvements is the most powerful way to lose weight known to man!


Help With Losing Weight

Help to lose weight

The first thing I want you to know is this: I failed to lose weight more than ten over thirty years. Sometimes I would succeed when I was determined to lose weight for about two days.  A few times I was could lose weight for about three months- without any special help.

However, at age 50, I finally got it right. Now I’m going to tell you how to lose all the weight you want with out the help of useless diet products. So no diet pills allowed.

First I share what you need to do, then I share the most important part: How to permanently lose weight with no help from gaint weight loss companies.

Step: 1 Get honest. You must honestly see the habits you need to change. If you refuse to recognize them, you can’t fix them. I know this sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how many of us damage our futures by refusing to take an honest look at what we do every day when it comes to caring for our precious health.

Step 2: Don't eat man made foods. You never put anything in a car you’re going to get rid of someday besides gasoline because you know you’d ruin it. Then why would you put things in your ONE AND ONLY body it was never designed to run right on?

Step 3: Get moving. What's the number one factor in longevity? Aerobic capacity. Your heart and lungs must be challenged. The same goes for your skeletal muscles. Your body ages a lot quicker without use. You will rust out long before you will wear out.

Step 4: Take some kind of positive action. You have to get started doing something NOW. It doesn’t matter exactly what it is. Something is always better just nothing. Nothing is your greatest enemy in the world. Nothing will take away everything, faster than anything.

Action is the true key. Taking action will reveal where you need to improve things. It takes one main thing to have a personal weight loss success story: Changing unhealthy habits over to healthy ones. Nothing else will work. This is why diet products don't work and never will: Even if they are for "real" they don't help you change your habits permanently. They are acting as a weight loss shortcut for you.

Don't make this more complicated than necessary. To succeed, you have to eat right and challenge yourself physically. I repeat, it all about changing the poor habits that make you gain weight over to better habits that are PROVEN to make you lose it.

Here's my most useful tip to help you lose weight: You must have a thought ready that is more powerful than the unhealthy habit that is tempting you. It doesn't matter what that thought is, all that's important is that it works for you. It could be something as simple as thinking you want to be around to see your grand-babies. Let me repeat, it just has to be a thought [or thoughts] that are powerful enough for you.

Maybe you can find a motivational weight loss story with special meaning to you. Other helpful weight loss stories might hold just the thought you need. Sincere and inspirational weight loss stories can be found everywhere.

When I took the time to learn what would help me lose weight, it transformed my life and future. As much as I hate to admit it, I got fat and lazy. Now, when most people see my picture, they think it's fake! They can't believe a fifty year old can have a body that looks 25. The truth is, I didn't do one special thing to help me lose all the weight I wanted.

All I did was find some thoughts that were more powerful that my old habits. Then every day, I ate right and exercised. In a few short months, I felt just like I did when I was in my twenties. It really wasn't hard or complicated. I never went hungry or deprived myself. My most important step was giving up junk food. Then I started a sensible exercise plan.

Successful weight loss is 99% mental. All you need to do is find a motivator that is powerful enough for you- and then take action. Do not buy anything specail to help you lose weight. Fads and diets do NOT help you lose weight- they only make it harder.

How To Avoid That Your Body Is Going Into Starvation Mode

Are you waiting for the weight loss silver bullet? For the next super duper miracle food that claims you will lose weight and yet you won't have to do anything, even better - you are allowed to eat everything you want? Well there is and will be no silver bullet. All the diets and weight loss supplements are only there to help you with losing weight. The general rule for losing weight is as simple as it can get. Eat less (junk food) and start exercising.

When looking for the right diet plan the only thing that needs to bother you is, to find one that will reduce your calorie intake to a limit where you are losing weight, but at the same time your body gets a balanced nutrition with enough calories so it doesn't go into starvation mode.

Everyone knows that you will lose weight by reducing the calorie intake. But if you are limiting the intake too much, your body will go into survival mode. If you are usually eating around 2000 calories a day and all of the sudden you reduce it to 500 calories, your body will think that you are starving. Your metabolism will slow down and you will lose weight very slow at best. If you are one of those that have reduced their calorie intake, but you don't lose weight, you have to actually increase your food intake.

In most cases this can be avoided by simply changing the foods you are eating. You should be eating lots of raw or steamed vegetables and fruits. Combine these with a moderate amount of lean protein.

A simple rule of thumb is: Eat foods that are available naturally (fruits, vegetables, soy, nuts) and avoid foods that are man made (like baked foods, canned foods, pastries and the like).

If you follow this simple rule then you will reduce your calorie intake naturally and lose weight.

Safe Weight Loss System

Safe weight loss made easy

I know this may sound rather annoying, but I lose fat kind of as a pastime. I’ve gotten so good at it, that sometimes I do it just for grins.

Now I want you to know I couldn’t always do this. I failed at safe weight loss for over 30 years. However, now that I know how simple it is to lose weight safely and naturally- once you understand how- I’m packed full of safe weight loss success tips.

So here’s my best tips for safe and healthy weight loss:

To get started, forget diet and weight loss products. These are guaranteed to waste your money when it comes to safe weight loss success. If you need proof, just look at the facts:  Nearly 2 of 3 Americans are overweight or obese while spending forty billion dollars annually on fat loss products.

Nuff said.

Sucesssful weight loss is a skill you need to learn. It’s similar to learning how to swim. It’s a little awkward at first, but once you go through the trial and error to learn how, weight loss success becomes simple- and you know how to safely keep weight off for the rest of your life.

Here's the only key to healthy and safe weight loss:

There is only ONE permanent weight loss solution: You have to use more calories than you eat. NOTHING ELSE CAN EVER WORK. Anybody that tells you anything different is only out for your money. 

You likely already knew that. Most everyone knows what they have to do. So then why do so many people fail- no matter how many weight loss ideas, techniques, or secrets they hear about? They just refuse to do what actually works.

That brings us to the the real “secret” to safe and effective weight loss:

You have to shift your habits from bad ones that are causing you to put on weight over to new habits that make you to lose it. That's all there really is to it. However, that’s where everybody drops the ball. They either try weight loss short cuts that can’t work permanently- like diets, pills, patches, etc. Or they do what works, but they give up before their new fat loss habits have time to work permanently.

Healthy, natural, and safe weight loss can be made simple, IF we just take the time to learn what works for us when it comes to changing our habits. Remember, nothing else can work. So if you want to lose weight naturally and permanently, you need to learn how to do it the way it works for you. NOT the way it works for the fitness model on TV. I finally lost all the weight I wanted at 50 years old. I am not an athlete. I never went hungry. You can see my results here. No, I didn't paste my head on someone eles's body.

Allow me to give you one example. It took me 3 months to give up the habit of drinking soda. But since I was looking for a effective weight loss solution, I knew those Pepsi's had to go. So I had to work on that habit. First, I stopping keeping soda in the house. Then I cut back to smaller amounts when eating out. Then I said only on weekends. Then I went cold turkey. Now, I can’t stand the taste of cola, it’s too sweet.

Do you see my safe and natural weight loss “secret?” I had to learn how to change that weight gain habit- drinking too much soda- over to a fat loss habit- drinking water or tea. This is why so many people fail at permeant fat loss. They refuse to change their weight gain habits. However, this is what you have to do. A safe weight loss solution is in your habits, not in shortcuts you buy as pills or herbs.

Remember about 200 million people have already proven there are no short cuts or special secrets to safe weight loss. Don’t waste another minute proving it again.

This ties right into my next safe and natural weight loss tip:

If a lack of activity is causing you to gain weight, you have to change that old habit over to a new habit that will cause you to lose weight. But don’t try something that’s so hard you can’t stick with it. You can start out walking like I did. It doesn't matter exactly what you do. There are hundreds of ways to successfully lose weight permanently. You just have to stick with what works until you develop your own safe weight loss solution.

I feel so much better that I wrote an ebook on how anyone can learn how to change their weight gain habits too. Since changing the habits is the key to permanent weight loss, there’s no calorie charts or workouts in my book. You can get free weight loss info anywhere. My safe weight loss solution is simple: Identify the bad habits, and one at a time, change them to the good habits that I spell out in four steps. It works because it’s a simple and permanent weight loss solution. And simple is best. 

I call it getting a new body and new life. The best part is, it works for anyone. All you need is the desire to begin. Check it out, and get started on your new body and new life today. I promise you that making the effort to change those unhealthy habits will take your life places you never imagined.

Read more weight loss articles here.

Overcoming Emotional Eating to Lose Weight

Overcoming emotional eating can help you lose weight faster than ever before. Even those stubborn pounds will melt away. It’s all about re-training yourself and your relationship with food.

Portion Control

Because emotional eating strives on emotion and not logic, you’ll have to incorporate safe guards to control you when your logic can’t. A good way to do this is to divide foods into portions before you get the urge to go on an eating jag.

As soon as you get home from the market, divide any bulk items into separate serving zipper bags. Bulk items include chips, cookies, crackers, etc.

If you have a problem with going back for seconds, thirds, and fourths, buy pre-packaged meals that only contain one serving per meal.

Eating Buddy

Many people who live with emotional eating find that having an eating buddy can be a blessing. Ask someone you trust, like a spouse or roommate, to be there for you when you feel yourself going out of control.

When you find yourself plunging into that tub of ice cream, ask for help. Saying something simple and funny like, “Honey, can you take this ice cream away from me before I put a hole in the bottom,” can lighten your mood and give you a signal to stop eating. Since you started the intervention, you won’t feel defensive or hurt when your buddy takes action.

One of the biggest things you can do for yourself is to find ways to control emotional eating. You just need to admit that you have a problem and find a trusted soul to help you on your journey to wellness. If exercising a little discipline isn't enough by itself, get on a formal diet plan like this Fatloss4idiots review - the habits you have cultivated will complement the plan for guaranteed results. Either way, take action - your body, health, and waistline will thank you.

Beef Up Your Burger’s Nutrition

Diets tend to be pretty strict about cutting out red meat. If a good burger is your weakness, then you may be tempted to cheat. No need! There are delicious hamburgers you can create at home that are healthy and taste good.

Beef Up the Fiber

Adding fiber to your burgers can make them healthier and block seven calories for every gram of fiber.

Try adding fine-grind bulgur to your hamburger before cooking it. Bulgur adds three grams of fiber to the meat and subtracts two grams of fat and one gram of saturated fat. To make it taste good, soak half a cup of fine-grind bulgur in water for 10 minutes. Drain the water out and add the bulgur to a pound of lean ground chuck. Mix them together, form patties, and cook them like any other burger.

You can also try this with rolled oats for a meatloaf-type burger. Add a cup of rolled oats and half a cup of tomato paste to the meat and mix well. These burgers will take a little longer to cook, so cook them on a lower heat.

Beef Up the Vegetables

Another way to add fiber, nutrition, and cut the fat is by adding vegetables to the meat before you form the patties. Diced tomatoes, corn, and dash of hot sauce mixed with the meat make great fiesta burgers. Chopped bell peppers and onions are another good choice as a burger mix-ins.

See, no need to give up your burgers. Just make them healthier and your waistline and taste buds will both be happy.

For more tips on losing weight, try reading a good weight loss guide such as this Fatloss4Idiots review.

The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Online Diet Generators - Savior or a Scam

There has been a flurry of online diet generators popping up around the Internet.Is there a use to these weight loss websites?That's the question we're going to answer.In this short article we'll talk about exactly what an online diet generator does, if they're difficult to follow, and what type of results you should be looking to have while following one.

Exactly What is an Online Diet Generator

The two popular types of online diet generators either help you follow a popular offline diet such as the Mediterranean diet, or they create a custom meal plan for you based on your input of foods you like to eat.

A popular example of the first type of online diet generator is eDiets, their website helps you follow popular diets like the Mediterranean or Atkins 100% on the Internet.Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a good example of an online diet generator that will create a customized diet for you based on your food selections. You can read our detailed fat loss for idiots review here..

How difficult are they to Follow?

One of the great things about online diet generators is that all the information you need is available at your finger tips online.All you have to do is login to the website and you can grab a quick recipe for dinner or check your meal plan to see what you should be eating for lunch.

Today there are a lot of Internet savvy folks, so using an online diet generator is probably the simplest way to lose belly fat.One thing to be careful of is that you don't get information overload, this can be easy to do with online diet generators.

What Results Should you Expect?

This is where the differences end, an online diet takes every bit as much discipline to follow as an offline diet. The results you can expect to get are directly related to how closely you follow the program.

If you decide to be lax, or have a difficult time eating exactly as you're supposed to then you will struggle not just with an online diet generator but any diet you try to follow.When it comes to losing weight there is no substitute for discipline.

Does the Pink Patch help people lose weight?

What's the Best Way to Lose Weight?

Quite honestly, it depends on what your definition of “work” is. As most of us already know, the ONLY way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit. We have to burn off more calories than we consume.

That leaves us with two choices: Diet and weight loss products that “work” by helping with creating a calorie deficit- and those that can't ever work because they don’t do anything. Let’s begin with diet pills, then move on to popular diet plans. So, do diet pills help with weight loss? Again, it depends. Some are strong stimulants that will artificially stimulate your metabolism and reduce your appetite. Others are nothing more than a mix of fiber or useless herbs, these are the ones that don't do anything- except lighten you wallet. However,  an appetite suppressant wil help you create a calorie deficit, if it’s powerful enough.

So then, are diet drugs the best way to lose weight? Only if you like the idea of being constantly filled with powerful stimulants for weeks or months. I would encourage you to research some of the side effects of strong stimulants. Then you have to ask yourself this question: If I did not keep the weight off before I went on that diet pill, why would I be able to keep weight off after I stopped using it? Something to honestly think about.

Next up, is ANY popular diet or weight loss plan the best way to lose weight?

For example, does NutriSytem offer real help with weight loss? If it creates a calorie deficit for you, yes it can work. You will drop weight.


Extensive research from UCLA has shown that people on commerical did lose weight, but within 2 years 83% had gained back more weight than lost. Their research concluded people who did not go on a special diet, were better off from a health standpoint than those who did.

If you need more proof, just look at the facts:  Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese while spending 40 billion dollars annually on weight loss products. Think about that, if any main stream weight loss plan really was the best way to lose weight- would so many people still be overweight?

So rather than ask yourself: Does Alli really help with weight loss? Does the Hollywood Diet work? Does any fad diet work? Or do crash diets work? Ask yourself: What's REALLY the best way to lose weight?

If you answered “I need to create a small daily calorie deficit,” you’ve taken the first step towards becoming a weight loss success story. Using more calories than consumed can only happen one way: You have to change your old weight gain habits over to new weight loss habits.

If you can do that on your own, that’s great. Also, there are many free weight loss articles available that can help. I failed at losing weight for thirty years. Over those thirty years, I lost and gained back over three-hundred pounds. I tried some diet shortcuts. And yes, I wondered; do weight loss pills really work? I was temped to see if there was an easy way to lose weight.

In the end, the best weight loss "system" that worked for me was the one I put together myself with the help of an e-manual called New Body New Life. It taught me how to recognize my weight gain habits, and most importantly, it taught me how to change them over to weight loss habits.

As mentioned, if you can recognize and change your habits on your own, that’s all you need to do for safe and natural permanent weight loss. The amount of money you’ll save by avoiding fad diets will be huge.

On a really interesting side note, when you change those habits, it will give you the self discipline to do whatever else you put your mind to. So even if some diet shortcut like Hydroxycut really did help with weight loss- it can’t give you what changing your habits does:

A whole new level of discipline, confidence, and self respect. And most important the knowledge of the best way to lose weight for you.

Get Trim Fast – The Right Way

You might be wondering how you’ll ever going to fit into that wedding dress or tryout for the sports team if you don't get trim fast. The answer to your dilemma is really simple – discipline. There might be countless weight loss programs out there, but if you can’t stick to one program then you’ll never get trim fast. Here are some tips to make you slimmer in no time at all.

How do I know what food I should and shouldn’t eat?

While it is true that you need to eat in smaller amounts to get trim quickly, you also have to remember that watching out on the foods you eat is also of equal importance. Since our diet consists mainly of carbohydrates, you must take into consideration its source – is it a good or bad source? Examples of bad sources of carbohydrates are those foods that are sweetened like candy, pies, donuts, and white bread. It would be a great idea to substitute these foods with complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal. In brief, you should hold back on the sugar if you want to get trim fast.

You should keep in mind that not all calories in foods are the same. The calories that are found in French fries are not necessarily the same with the calories found in lean meat. The difference is that French fries are a bad source for your caloric needs – it makes you even fatter and contributes to countless health problems. The calories in lean meat, however, can be converted into energy by our bodies. That’s how important it is to distinguish the source of calories in foods that we eat – good choices will help you get trim quicker.

Also, drinking adequate amounts of water is a great way to make you slimmer. Sometimes, a simple case of thirstiness might be mistaken for hunger – all you really need is a glass of water. So, if you want to get trim fast, drinking a glass of water helps compensate the amount of food you take in at each meal. In this way, it’ll help in appetite suppression and get you that slimmer built that you always wanted.

A good technique to help you identify the proper amount of water you should drink is to divide your weight (pounds) by 2. For example, your weight is 200 pounds; by dividing this by 2 you’ll get an answer of 100. 100 is the number of ounces of water you should drink – about 12 glasses. Just remember to drink enough amounts of water to help you get trim in a hurry.

How much time should I allocate for exercising?

It is often advised that a person should at least spend 30 minutes of exercise every day. But, if you want to get trim fast, you should double the amount of time you spend to exercise. Some studies show that overweight people who spend as much as an hour each day for five days a week to exercise were able to attain (and maintain) a slimmer built by 10% of their body weights. But those people who spend less than the usual amount of time exercising found themselves having a rough time continuing to any measures of weight loss.

This tells you that a simple use of the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to a convenience store doesn’t entirely get you as trim as you want. Unless you really exert effort on activities that would make you sweat a lot, there would be greater chance to lose that extra weight. You really don’t need to go to the gym – jogging or brisk walking in your neighborhood would be sufficient to some people to get trim more quickly.

Should there be other things I need to know?

Sufficient amounts of sleep should be part of your weight loss regimen. Since lack of sleep could get you cranky and exhausted the entire day, there would be more tendencies for you to eat more. You need to establish a lifestyle that would accommodate enough sleeping hours; so that you’ll be energetic the next day. Before you know it, you’ll have that slimmer figure you always dreamt of.

Find out more about this subject at

All Supplements Do Help You If Used Properly

Health And Weight Loss

People everywhere are using supplements to try to help them in many ways. Some people use them to increase the effectiveness of their training. Elderly people take supplements perscribed by their physicians to keep them going strong for as logn as possiable. No matter what your reason for using supplements they can definatly help you out a great deal.

I had a friend who thought using supplements as like cheating. Following a long talk I then convinced him they were worth trying. He had such great results in the gym that I had to tell him to chill it on how many different supplements he pumped into himself. Even with that in mind there is a definate maxium to how much they can help, so read the label and if you want to take more than one at a time talk to a doctor.

One big problem people have is that they can't always pay for supplements. I can usderstand why as if you want to buy nutrition supplements, it can get pretty expensive. The best place to buy them is probally online as you can find some pretty great deals, especially on ebay and other sites like that. If you can only afford to get one type of sports supplement I would suggest you buy folic adic supplements. Supplements can be a plus no matter what you want to use them for.

One thing people should keep in mind is that you don't need to go crazy with supplements. Heck, you don't even NEED supplements to get a good work out. It all really just depends on your wants and needs. If you want to get the best bang for your buck in the gym then supplements can likley help you. Most of us could benifit almost as much from going for a run every week. What you need to find out is what works best for you. Work out smart, and keep in mind, if you are considering starting up on a supplement routine you should talk to a doctor.

Is Lipoic Acid A Powerful Antioxidant?

antioxidant nutrition

You've heard of antioxidants and how they neutralize harmful chemicals called free radicals in the body. You may not be aware of an antioxidant that occurs naturally inside every cell of the body and is found in some green vegetables, organ meats, rice bran and Brewer's yeast. Lipoic acid or alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is produced in small amounts by our bodies. Used in nutritional supplement form, it treats such ailments as diabetic neuropathy, coronary heart disease and other serious illnesses.

What makes ALA unique and gives it nutritional value is that it is both water and fat soluble, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle and extend the metabolic lifespan of antioxidants such as of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E. Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress while glutathione helps detoxify the liver. Coenzyme Q10 helps convert food energy into energy inside every cell while vitamin E helps with nerve conduction.

Lipoic acid helps treat the symptoms of a common complication of diabetes called peripheral neuropathy. By speeding the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, ALA enhances insulin function and reduces insulin resistance. A large number of cases of coronary heart disease and obesity are a direct or indirect result of those two factors. Symptoms such as prickling sensations, numbness, burning and sharply cutting pain are relieved by this very useful nutritional supplement.

Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness. ALA helps neutralize those harmful chemicals. ALA can cross the blood-brain barrier; a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage and is used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Because of those reasons, ALA is also used as a nutritional supplement to treat a myriad of other illnesses and diseases like cataracts, hardening of the arteries, hepatitis, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol levels, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Lipoic acid has very few side effects. Some that have been reported include headache, tingling or a "pins and needles" sensation, skin rash, or muscle cramps. Since ALA may improve blood sugar control, people with diabetes who are taking medication to lower blood sugar should only take ALA under the supervision of a qualified health professional and have their blood sugar levels carefully monitored. It may alter thyroid hormone levels, so people taking thyroid medications should be monitored by their healthcare provider.

Elliptical Trainer And Health Benefits

We all know what are elliptical trainers for and how they look, but what do you actually get by using these machines? It's best if we go over some key benefits of the many benefits that a elliptical trainer provides which will show you why they are becoming more popular then ever.

When you use elliptical trainer at your home, you are saving a lot of time, and that is one of the best benefits you can get. I suppose you know how many people have very busy schedules and simply can't find the time to take care of their body and exercise. With an elliptical trainer, you can eliminate the need to not only go to a gym to work out, but it will also eliminate the time, money and effort to join a gym. It's great to know that you will need only thirty minutes of exercising on this machine to get a full body workout. This is very good news to hear for someone that has a very limited amount of time to schedule into their busy day for working out.

A great quality of elliptical trainer, as stated by many users, is that they do not require a lot of strength nor do they go hard on your knees and joints like treadmill does. Low impact is something that is a good guarantee against the injuries you can earn on other types of exercising machines. This is very beneficial when you compare working out with weights and other fitness machines. To use this machine properly, you don't have to worry about your level of strength or about performing some weird positions during exercises. You will always have benefits when you use this machine, no matter what is your muscular level.

This is what makes an elliptical trainer a versatile workout machine for all body types and age groups. You can have one elliptical trainer in your home and it can be used by your entire household to maintain a strong fitness level for everyone in your home.

What Home Gym To Use If You Are A Beginner

If you like to work out, then it is important for you to find the best home gym equipment for you. You want something that is going to produce the individual results that you need in order for you to be in the best shape possible. On the other side, its not easy to make a choice because of all the exercising equipment models on the market. You have a choice between free weights, rowing machines, treadmills, and other hydraulic systems. All of them are a great home gym machines that you can buy with money. Since we aer not all the same and not all looking for the same results, we need to have something different that suits us well. To find the home gym that would suit your needs, you have to do the research and make some question.

If You Are Starting

In case you are out of shape and need something to start with, then a treadmill is a great choice for you. But, you can have knee or ankle injuriy and then the treadmill would not be a right choice for you. If it's like that, you should try elliptical machine and it might turn out to be the best home gym machine for you. Treadmill has an impact to your knees and ankles, and this doesn't. You should go to a local store near your home and try out the home gym equipment there, because it is the best way to find out what suits you best.

If You Are Advanced User

You should use a weight system if you want to get yourself some advanced fitness equipment for your exercises. You could use some kind of a hydraulic system or set up few free weights. Your training will now get some resistance. You should go for a workout station, because it is the best home gym if you do not have much experience with free weights. You do not have much space for maneuver when it comes to how you are going to use workout stations. And exactly this is what reduces the chance for injury. Even some of the most experienced weight lifters still use a workout station for that very reason.

Pilates At Home - The Good and The Bad

These days individuals are used to getting things "Free" . They don't want to pay for information and assume that if it's "Free" it's got to be good.

But when it comes to Pilates, getting "Free" physical exercises may not always be the best approach. I'll explain:

Whenever you do Pilates Exercises there are two things you must always consider.

Are they suitable

Pilates exercises are good because they are designed to work specific muscles in a safe and effective way. The only way you are really going to know if you are performing a Pilates move right is to be observed by a registered instructor in a class. If you attempt to do Pilates at home, on your own, from a book or a DVD how, in Heaven's name are you going to know if you're "doing it right"?

Even if you are lucky enough to have all round mirrors (and and most people don't), as soon as you turn your head to check you're in the right position, you will be out of alignment. Many of the teaching points for a Pilates exercise are subtle, and sometimes even for an experienced instructor they can be difficult to spot in a customer.

Pilates is very "hands on". In other words, your instructor (as well as giving you verbal cues to help you get into the right position), may come over to you and carefully move you around, so that you can feel the emphasis of that particular exercise in the right group of muscles. Therefore, a novice attempting to teach themselves will get none of this required feedback.

I'm not saying for a moment that no -cost downloadable Pilates exercises - or those learnt from a book or DVD for that matter, aren't worthwhile. Frankly, any exercise that you do will benefit you.

And if you do Pilates At Home, you will get an idea of what Pilates is all about and whether you would like going to a class. You will be able to practice at home what you have discovered in class - and you will be reminded of all the teaching points before you do the exercise.

People are odd; if they book and pay to come to a private class they tend to turn up on time, be far more consistent about attending on a regular basis and therefore, get most benefit from Pilates.

However, in my experience, if the classes (same studio, same teacher!) come as part of a membership package at a gymnasium, consistent attendance takes a nosedive! Because they are getting the class for nothing (sort of), they often don't bother to turn up on a regular basis (It was raining: I was tired: I thought I'd go to LatinoGrooveAerobics instead; etc) and when they do turn up, a lot of them are just going through the motions - because they haven't been coming often enough for it to make any difference whatsoever.

The problem with "free" is that people tend to appreciate things in direct proportion to how much money they've paid out. And to get anywhere with Pilates, you have got to do it on a regular basis.

Whether they come free or not, Pilates exercises are immeasurably valuable. Just do them.

Can you imagine living life with a body that is free of aches and pains - a body that is straight and strong and will do what you ask of it?

Pilates if practiced regulary promises all these benefits and more. It has for myself and my clients so why not give it a go all you've got to lose is the pain.

Benefiting From Fitness Programs For Women Only

It is obvious that women have very different fitness needs than men.  We tend to put on fat very easily and  need to work extra hard to lose excessive weight.  As such, special fitness programs for women only are always a good choice to many of us.

That being said, even women have widely different physical conditions from each other, and therefore there is no universal exercise regimen that works for everyone.  To find a woman's fitness program that best suits you, you need to have a really good understanding of yourself first.  To get professional advice, you can always consult a doctor or a dietitian.  However, if you do not have any special health condition, you can just purchase a quality fitness guide and practice by your own.  In fact, if you choose carefully, you can get hold of one which offers excellent customer support.  If you are lucky, the professional support you get from a fitness expert will far exceed the price you have paid for the product.

Aside from their different physiques, women may also have varied purposes for undertaking a fitness program.  Now, let us look into what programs are available for women with different fitness goals.

1. For Weight Loss

To effectively lose your extra body fat (many particularly want to lose belly fat), you will need to do both cardio and strength training.  Cardio exercise along is not sufficient to help you continue to burn fat after the training is over.  Likewise, if you only do strength training, you are likely to gain muscle without losing fat, and you will only look more bulky that way.  If you want to get rid of extra weight the quickest way possible, you should also increase the intensity of your exercises at a moderate pace and add interval training into your routine.  Obviously, cutting down your calorie intake in the mean time will get you faster results.

2. For Body Toning

Experts advise that women should gain some muscle to stay fit.   In general, we differ from men not only in our level of fat storage, but also in the speed of muscle loss when we get aged.  Less muscle, in turn, will lead to lower metabolism and difficulty to lose weight.  What you can do to overcome this situation is to incorporate strength training into your fitness routine.  You can do things like weight lifting, lunges, crunches and push-ups.  This way, you will get toned up and feel more energized, younger, healthier and happier!

3. For Weight Maintenance

Many women have the experience of regaining the weight they managed to lose once they stop their fitness programs.  In order to maintain your fitness level, you should continue to exercise yourself for at least 40 to 60 minutes a day, and experts suggest moderate to intense level of activities like gardening, cycling, running and jogging - choose some that fit your interest.   If you can keep working your body like this, you are unlikely to regain the weight even in the long run.

Now, there are far too many fitness programs for women, and choosing a best one is not always easy. But, you have many sources to turn to for opinions - online networks, customer reviews and complaints, and even your girl friends can generate lots of ideas for you!  Just keep in mind that a good program is one that will work on you and that you can stick with for a long time.

How to build big biceps

There is only one way to train your biceps in order to get maximum growth and that is to train them short and intensely. All to often I see people in the gym training their biceps for 30 minutes, get real people the bicep muscle is a small muscle anatomically and is very easy to overtrain. To build big biceps keep it short and intense. Lets take a look at some essential pointers that you need to follow to build big biceps in extra quick time.


  •         The biceps need to be overloaded periodically which means repping to failure, pumping out that last rep with focussed intensity squeezing each rep at the top of the movement


  •      In order to build big biceps your workout should not take no more than 15 minutes to perform. Keep it short and intense.


  •        Recouperation is vital in order to build big biceps. As mentioned the the bicep muscle is small in comparison to larger muscle groups, for your biceps to fully recouperate after an intense workout will take in the order of 5 to 6 days!!


So there you go follow the guidelines above and big biceps will be yours, now lets look at the exercises you will be performing to build those big guns. Always warm up thoroughly 


 Exercise #1: Standing Barbell Curls (perform 2 sets)


 This is the staple exercise for adding bicep mass.

Start with a narrow grip hands 8-10 inches apart. In a controlled movement with no swinging elbows close in at your side, curl the barbell using bicep power to shoulder level and squeeze those biceps. For extra intensity, resist strongly on the lowering of the barbell to the start position. Aim for 8-10 reps with a moderate to heavy weight.


Exercise #2: Incline Dumbbell Curls (perform 2 sets)


Lie on a 35 degree incline bench, grasping a pair of moderately weighted dumbbells, arms straight down. Curl the dumbbells up simultaneously with no swinging to the vicinity of your shoulders and aqueeze. Resist strongly on the lowering part and get a full stretch at the bottom position. Aim for 8-12 rep range.


Exercise #3: Hammer Curls with Rope (perform 2 sets)


Stand straight up holding a dumbbell in each arm at your sides. Start with your palms facing inwards, curl the dumbbells to shoulder level and squeeze hard. Resist strongly on the lowering part and get a full stretch at the bottom position. Aim for 8-12 rep range.


  If you're looking for awesome routines to build big biceps quickly as well as building muscle and burning bodyfat checkout our online bodybuilding course called No Nonsense Muscle Building.  


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fast Healthy Weight Loss Using The Detoxification Option

Most dieticians recommend shedding excess pounds gradually via a long term healthy weight loss diet. In general it is not a good idea to lose excess weight too rapidly since it can be dangerous. This also means that if one is able to loose weight quickly then it is likely that they can quickly gain back wait later on. However, we all like to look our best when wearing a bikini on vacation or attending an important social function such as a wedding. If you want to lose up to seven pounds via a fast healthy weight loss plan in order to look your best for a vacation or special occasion, you can do so without damaging your health.

Knowing More About The Monotrophic Diet

One fast healthy weight loss plan is the monotrophic diet. On the monotrophic diet you eat only one type of fruit per meal for a period of one week. For example you could eat apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. On the monotrophic fast healthy weight loss diet you are allowed to eat as much fruit as it takes to feel full. For people that love fruit then this diet plan will easy appeal to them quite obviously, however the monotrophic fast healthy weight loss plan isn't really as easy as it would seem because it prohibits you from consuming any toxins such as caffeine commonly found in chocolate and coffee. This in turn will cause the body to go into withdrawal and you may feel tired or suffer from headaches as a consequence. There are a lot of difficulties with completing this fast healthy weight loss diet, however in the end it will be good for you as it provides the body cells the change to eliminate unhealthy toxins and be able to replace them with higher quality nutrients.

The Fiber Diet

Going on fiber diet or simply eating only fiber for one week duration is another fast healthy weight loss method you can try. The high fiber foods you can consume during this period include certain fruits and vegetables such as pasta, grains, legumes, seeds and nuts as these generally have high fiber content. This kind of fast healthy weight loss diet works because the human body cannot digest fiber. Therefore the body tries to eliminate the fiber as quickly as possible by stimulating the colon so that you expel waste more rapidly and frequently. This action also works to cleanse the colon which indicates that it is actuallu good for you. You will need to increase your water intake during a high fiber diet to avoid dehydration that can be caused by the frequent elimination of waste.

Do Not Go To Extremes

The two types of fast weight loss diets recommended above should not be used for extended durations of time. The human body needs fat, protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals if it is to function normally. Staying on a fast healthy weight loss diet for too long causes malnourishment and this can lead to serious health problems.

How To Get Motivated When You're Trying To Diet

Are you self motivated to exercise and lose weight or do you struggle like most people do when it comes to sticking to an exercise and diet program.

Desire is the key. That's right...if you desire something strongly enough, you will work until you get it. This is true for weight loss and all other desires in life.

Doing simple routines are simply the best thing you can do for losing either a few pounds or changing your shape completely. You can start at a level that suits you and then progress as you get fitter and stronger. Weight loss exercises are not hard to do if you stay focused. Hitting the gym or walking around your neighborhood is hard when you let 'life' get in the way.

Unfortunately, many dieters don't plan ahead. Instead, they take things as they come, and rely upon two things: their initial enthusiasm, and (when this wears off) their willpower. But enthusiasm and willpower aren't enough to overcome the temptations and difficulties which we face when we try to change our eating habits and lifestyle.

The most common problem we face when dieting is boredom. This typically occurs when our initial enthusiasm for losing weight wears off, and we become tired of watching what we eat. We become dispirited, and slightly depressed at the idea of having to maintain our "sensible eating habits" while everyone else seems to be having a good time.

Here's a better way to look at keeping motivated while dieting.

"Hmm, my diet isn't going as smoothly as I thought it would. Never mind, I'm sure this is quite normal. I can't expect to change my regular eating habits without a few hiccups along the way. Besides, I'm looking for more than the few minutes of pleasure I get from filling my stomach with junk. I need a lifetime of real pleasure from looking my best and being taken seriously and maybe I'll find my soulmate. I know other people see me as a fat person - goodness, at times I do too! - but this is exactly WHY I want to change. I'm tired of being fat. Real tired. And if this means learning how to eat good food, then let's do it!

Some Tips on Dieting Safely

More and more people want to know how to diet safely. They are getting overweight, or are simply unhappy with their present weight. The idea of dieting may seem like a no-brainer if you'd like to lose a few pounds, but it may actually hurt you more than help you. Dieting safely is no walk in the park, and you'll need to think of a few things before actually taking the plunge.

Do you really need to diet?

You may think that you're a few pounds overweight, but you might actually be at your ideal weight without knowing it. If you'd like to make sure, check with your doctor or dietitian. If he thinks that you need to lose some weight, he'll tell you how to diet safely.

Dieting safely means starting small.

Don't try crash diets – they're not a safe way to diet. Individuals who try fad diets often lose a few pounds before gaining them back (and more). If you'd like to diet safely, make sure you start with the easiest step – such as swearing off 90% of your soda intake. Safe dieting means taking things slowly.

Here's a safe dieting tip to remember – a can of soda has ten teaspoons of sugar in it. So swearing off your soda intake is a great way of starting to diet safely.

Watch what you eat.

Dieting safely also means watching what you eat during mealtimes. The most fattening ingredients out there are refined carbohydrates and sugars. You'll need to cut down on donuts, cake, and soda, and eat at least five servings of fruits/vegetables each day to avoid getting hungry. Eat slowly – the brain often takes 12 minutes from the first bite to tell you that you're full. Taking a break before the second helping can help you eat less.

However, this doesn't mean you'll have to swear off all bad foods. To diet safely, you're allowed to treat yourself every once in a while – just remember to offset your guilt pleasure soon after.

Watch when you eat.

Another safe way to diet is to eat at least two snacks between meals so that you'll eat less during mealtimes. It's advisable to keep a few vegetable sticks or a piece of fruit handy in case you get a case of the munchies while you go. Eating more frequently, but in smaller servings, has always been a great way to diet safely – you'll burn more calories that way.

Safe dieting also means exercise.

Any diet, even one that's safe, won't help you lose much weight unless you match it with exercise. Your target should be at least an hour of good exercise for five days a week. This is, of course, very difficult to get used to. Just like dieting safely, start slowly and gradually increase the workout intensity as the days go by.

Finally, take it easy on yourself.

Dieting safely means you'll need to forgive yourself every time you give in to a craving. Everybody trips up every now and then. When you fail to stick to your safe diet, brush it off and get back to it as soon as possible – that's the key. Remember that any food, no matter how fat or how sugary, can fit into any safe diet – the key is to balance it out with more of the healthy stuff.

To find out more on this subject Diet Safely Reviews

If I Can Get Six Pack Abs at Age 50, Anyone Can...

Lose that belly fat

Are you ready to hear the total truth about getting six pack abs? First, let’s start with the facts: Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese, while spending 40 billion dollars annually on fat loss products.

So, using nothing but the facts, what does that tell you?

Diets and weight loss products are useless when it comes to getting a flat stomach. As a matter of fact, they actually make it harder to permanently lose weight. I’m not sure why everyone thinks there’s a secret to losing stomach fat, but there’s no secrets- and there’s no shortcuts. So what's the best way to lose weight?

Here’s the straight story about losing your belly fat. There’s only one thing that will work: You have to burn off more calories than you consume.


If you want to learn how to do this, keep reading. If you think it’s sounds like too much trouble, stop right here. If there is a “secret” to losing stubborn belly fat, it’s this:

You have to be willing to change the unhealthy habits that are making you gain weight, over to improved habits that will make you lose it. I know it sounds obvious, but that is where everyone fails. I can’t point any fingers. I failed at losing weight for 30 years. The only thing that really worked was when I changed my daily habits.

Now I choose my weight right to the pound.

And here’s the best part: I’m 50 years old. I’m not athletic. I have average smarts. I have a very hectic schedule. Right now I’m working about 12 hours a day. I have no special resources that you don’t have. In other words, if I can learn how to drop belly fat.


I promise, it’s easier than you think. Again, it’s not in the products. You don’t need to buy anything special to get six pack abs. After I learned how easy it was, I wrote a four step guide about it. And no, it’s not a diet book. It’s about learning the habits that make you naturally and permanently lose weight.

Remember, that’s the key to getting rid of belly fat, you have to change the habits. That’s why weight loss products don’t work permanently. They can’t teach you how to change your habits- they make it harder to change your habits.

If your skeptical, just look at the facts: forty billion spent, NO RESULTS.

I lost all the weight I wanted by doing nothing more than changing my habits. You’d be amazed at how many people think it’s impossible for a 50 year old to have a flat stomach. I promise, my pictures have not been changed in any way.

I was overweight for 30 years. But all I did was what I’m telling you to do. I changed my weight gain habits over to weight loss habits. I didn’t do anything weird. I didn’t fast or cleanse my colon. I lost all the weight I wanted naturally. If you want to lose weight permanently, you have to do what works in the real world. And what's being sold by the giant weight loss industy does not work- as proven by the FACTS.

I did not buy one weight loss product. I bought all my food at the grocery store. ALL I DID WAS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS: I ate right and got some exercise. That’s all I did. If you want to drop belly fat, that’s all you have to do too.

If you need help changing over your habits, check out my ebook at

Here’s my biggest tip when it come to changing your habits: When your tempted to do something that’s unhealthy, you have to have a thought- or thoughts, in the back of your mind that’s more powerful than that temptation. It does not matter what that thought is. It can be anything from wanting to make your children proud of you to showing that ex you can accomplish something meaningful. All that matters is this: That thought works for you.

Remember, if a fifty year old average person can burn belly fat, you can succeed at safe weight loss too!

Best Ways To Lose Weight

Are you finding it virtually impossible sustaining your target weight? Are you desperate to drop several pounds and not sure of how to lose the weight? The key to your success may lie in learning how to have a positive approach to losing then managing your weight.

Step 1 in creating a positive attitude to managing and losing weight is to make up your mind to achieve it. Then, once you are determined to achieve your weight goal, it becomes paramount to make the commitment to your goals. Weight management, especially losing weight can be challenging. Unfortunately lots of people cave in before losing the weight they wanted to. Still so many people follow unhealthy diets, or potentially dangerous weight loss pills, or quick weight loss diets plans only to find that they have gained all the weight back and then some. Losing weight and then managing it long term is a lifestyle choice that will work much better when it is approached in a positive light.

Having said that, one of the easy ways to lose weight (and you can do this right now) is based on some easy to use green tea weight loss tips. It seems natural green tea can help kick start your weight loss program, and enhance your health at the same time.

If there are any secrets to lose weight they are knowledge, learning from your mistakes, and backing from friends, family or support group as you are going to be changing the way you do things that will help you form new habits which will lead you to your desired weight. Owing to the fact that learning how to lose weight is down to healthy eating habits, you could well suffer setbacks during your journey, having a positive mental attitude will govern how quickly you get over it and get back on track.

Having a positive attitude leads to better and more consistent efforts, and greater gains when it comes to achieving the smaller steps along the path to reaching your weight goal. Success is guaranteed if you expect nothing else but if doubt your ability to achieve your goals you're setting yourself up for failure. You know that regular exercise improves and strengthens your muscles, by continually channeling your emotions and thoughts these new thought processes have a way of boosting your attitude and emotions meaning success will become a way of life for you in whatever you do.

Learn how to drop negativity and be more positive about everything in your life. Replace negative self-image with statements of self-worth and concentrate on how you can acknowledge and portray your personal talents and abilities.

Watching what you eat is not all there is to losing and maintaining your weight, how you live your live is also crucial and getting plenty of sleep, drinking plenty of water and ensuring you get plenty of exercise. When you feel good about yourself you will naturally want to give yourself good things. The greatest gift is the gift of great health.

A positive approach to life is not just about you; a positive support group will greatly enhance your experience and success rate. A support system can include family, friends, a weight management group, a dietician or health counselor and your family doctor.

How are you going to put a positive spin on your weight loss goal? Determine the steps you can take to ensure you succeed. Are you prepared to lose weight and adopt a new lifestyle that will create a new and healthier life for you?

Weight Loss Hypnosis: How To Lose Weight Easily For A Change

Most of us have been on a diet at some stage or other. And most of us have experienced the times when no matter how hard we try, those pounds stubbornly won't shift.

It's at times like these that hypnosis for weight loss can help you in your quest to lose those pounds. Not just for a few weeks or a few months. But for as long as you like!

Weight loss hypnosis works direct - it changes the way your brain works, for the better. Your conscious brain is the part that you deal with most. Your subconscious mind is the bit of your brain that's actually controlling almost everything you do. It looks after your body, keeping you breathing and replacing all those cells within you that need replacing.

Your unconscious mind carries out all the commands it's given without question. Which is bad news when it comes to diets. If you've ever experienced a craving for chocolate or some other "less than healthy" food, chances are it's your unconscious mind causing this desire.

You likely don't even remember giving the command to eat lots of food to the part of your mind that's really in control of what happens to you. Which means it's not your fault that your diet isn't working.

Hypnotism for weight loss works to turn your mind around. It works at a subtle level that you may not notice at once or maybe even at all. It could be that the first thing you notice is when your clothes start to fit looser. Your friends will notice your new, slimmer, self as well.

The big advantage of weight loss hypnosis is that it's completely natural. It will work with your brain to get your body back to it's natural, balanced state. You'll find yourself naturally shunning those unhealthy foods that you're allowing yourself to eat at moment. Hypnosis will work with you to re-program your mind to want to eat healthily. That may be hard to believe at the moment, especially if you can't walk past the cake display without having to grab something from it. But after a few days simply listening to a weight loss hypnosis track, you'll be amazed at the differences that start to happen.

Obesity Help In A Thin Society

For those people who are overweight, it can mean a vicious cycle of overeating, not exercising and then feeling guilty when the weight continues to pile on. This cycle happens to many people, so you are not alone. It can be a difficult road to walk but with the right obesity help you can defeat this cycle and once again feel like you are worthy. It no longer becomes an issue of fitting in with a skinny world.

If you have exhausted the top 10 diets without success and still require obesity help can come in the form of weight loss surgery options. One such option is the Lap Band procedure, which is made up of a ring, called a gastric Lap Band, which is tightened to restrict part of the stomach and shrink the overall size of the stomach. It is a system that has met with great success and is helping overweight people all around the world.

Once the lap band is in place, it is constricted to make a small pouch above the stomach at the end of the esophagus. This small pouch will limit how much food you will be able to take in. Lap Band complications are rare and the procedure is completely reversible. When you reach your weight loss goal the lap band can be adjusted to fit your specific weight maintenance plan. There is another thing that you will have to consider after the procedure and that is the need for plastic surgery after weight loss. You will lose so much weight at such an accelerated rate that your skin will not be able to shrink back to a normal size. Lap Band patients are willing to undergo plastic surgery just so that they can feel "normal" again. Is it worth the risk and the additional plastic surgery? Many people think so and the number of patients that this procedure is performed on is skyrocketing. It is a procedure that is saving many people's lives.

There is obesity help out there for those who have the initiative to grab it and hold on to it. With the Lap Band procedure you can lose all that excess weight and find a new you in the process. No one said it would be easy but with the right help and the right gastric bypass diet you can get rid of those excess pounds that are holding you back. It may not even be an issue about fitting into a skinny society but more about being healthy and feeling good about you. In the end that is what really counts.

Malibu Pilates Chair

Over ten years ago Carroll Krieff became the Pilates trainer to the stars when she opened her very own full-service Pilates studio in Malibu. It was the first of its kind in Malibu. Carroll had always been naturally fit and healthy, but early on she discovered that by doing Pilates, her body became more suple and dancer-like, rather than bulky and overly muscular like that of a body builder.

After graduating from the Performing Arts Physical Therapy Studio in Los Angeles, she opened her studio which was instantly a success. She discovered the Malibu Pilates Chair to attain quick results in a short amount of time. This was especially a hit with famous people who wanted to get toned fast for particular roles. Carroll does her best to make workouts fun. She does not want her clients to feel like they are working. People tend to trust her because of her easy-going, warm personality.

Pilates isnt a Hollywood secret anymore. Women and men across the country use this time-tested method to lose weight, strengthen their core muscles, and make long, slender, attractively sculpted muscles.

But numerous at-home practitioners have noticed that no matter how many videos they use or Pilates Classes they take, they just arent getting the results they see in magazines. Stars of stage and screen dont do Pilates the way it is taught in the gymnasium scene they have personal trainers who provide pricy Pilates machines that add resistance and extra stretch to promote quick, powerful results. These medieval-looking machines can cost thousands of dollars and can take up the space of a small bedroom.

The features that make the Malibu Pilates Chair so different are the adjustable spring resistance, and the split-step foot pedals. Simply do some simple, flowing cardio moves. The spring resistance will help support your body as well as work your muscles, sculpting your legs, arms, thighs, and buns. Your abs will tone up with every move. You can adjust the resistance as you get better. This will keep your heart rate up and the amount of calories your burn. The split-step pedals cause you to be able to work your arms and legs separately or together.

The Malibu Pilates Chair works by directing core muscle groups just like mat Pilates but also adds some resistance and aerobic exercise to get the heart rate and metabolism up and burning unnecessary calories. Movements that concentrate on making strong arms, legs, buns, and thighs also work the abs, helping to build a strong core that helps stabilize and center the body preventing injury and encouraging overall health.

The Malibu Pilates Chair is light and folds up for easy storage. You wont have to worry about large bulky equipment taking up your room. However, the chair is still very tough and safe. Carroll Krieff guarantees that you will lose a whole size within 10 days of using the Pilates chair for only 20 minutes a day! If you do not, you can get a refund. As a matter of fact, if for any reason you are not satisfied within the first 30 days of using the chair you can return it for a refund. The Malibu Pilates Chair also comes with A variety of useful Pilates Workout DVDs.

Naturally the most obvious benefits of using the chair are weight loss and iinches lost all over the body. Nevertheless, there are additional benefits as well. Your muscles will be toned and you will have more vitality. Carroll used the Pilates chair after each of her 3 pregnancies. Every time she bounced back faster and felt even better than she had before she got pregnant! Order yours today to see a healthier, leaner, and more fit you within the next month!

And what are those results? According to online reviews, theyre just what Krieff promises fast, impressive weight loss (some reviewers report losing up to 40 pounds), a reshaped body (4-8 inches off the waist), and a strong core that supports the body no matter what you put it through each day.

Exercise To Treat Anxiety

Exercise is one of the best ways that you can help your anxiety naturally, without pills and other medications.  Exercise is the “cure all” for just about everything.  The reason exercise works so well is that it releases endorphins to the brain and gives your mind a boost of serotonin.  This is the same way that many SSRIs work.  Not only that, but exercise puts you in control of your body and is a proactive approach in treating your health. 

Most anxiety disorders all have one component in common - control.  People who are worried about losing control are often those who are the most anxious.  While most people accept the fact that control is not necessarily in their hands at all times, those with anxiety cannot accept this fact.  They feel that they need control in order to function.  The loss of control can send them into a tailspin that launches a full anxiety attack.  

While we cannot control everything that happens in our lives, we do have control when it comes to our bodies.  And we can exercise.  Exercise is the wonder cure.  It helps alleviate anxiety by working out the stress that you are feeling as well as raising endorphins that send messages to your brain.  What can be better than that?

In the morning, you can perform cardiovascular exercises.  This includes running, jogging, stair climbing and even elliptical workouts.  Whatever you can do to get the old ticker working will do just fine when you are exercising to treat anxiety.  This will not only help you mentally, but physically as well.  It will burn off calories and keep your heart in good shape.  But do not do cardiovascular exercises before you go to bed or else you may have a difficult time falling asleep.  

Prior to going to bed, you may incorporate some Pilates exercises or even some Yoga.  These are stretching exercises that will relax you as well as keep you in good shape.  You can be relaxed and feel ready for a good night’s sleep when you are practicing these exercises at night.   You do not have to attend Yoga classes to learn the moves and you do not have to contort your body into all sorts of impossible shapes.  The main thing is that you learn how to stretch and relax.  

By exercises to treat anxiety and depression, you do not only boost your mood and relax your body, you give yourself something to concentrate on, instead of concentrating on yourself.  An exercises routine will take away the troubles that you have in your mind and give you something else on which to focus.  It truly is the cure all for anxiety and depression.  

Home Exercise Equipment - Finding The Right Type For You

Titan T1 The Ultimate Home Gym Fitness Equipment

High on the list of 'how to get in shape' is the suggestion that you buy some home exercise equipment. Home exercise equipment has a mass appeal, especially for people who have busy schedules, or have just began to work out and do not want to be the out of shape person at the gym. Many people also feel that they could stick with an exercise routine if they didn't have to leave the house, but the reality is that most people's home exercise equipment is restricted to a few pieces of equipment. With this in mind, what should those few pieces of home exercise equipment be?

The type of home exercise equipment a person buys should depend on their fitness goals and what kind of work out they enjoy. Although it is somewhat stereotypical, many men opt for weight training and bodybuilding, while the majority of women focus on cardiovascular fitness. For optimal health, a balance of weight training, body building, and cardiovascular activity is the best strategy, but for your first piece of home exercise equipment, you should select something you are familiar with and enjoy. A lot of guys will opt for the bench press, which gives them a bar and weights, in addition to the bench, allowing them to do a variety of lifts like curls, squats, and other bodybuilding lifts. However, if a traditional bench press set take up too much room, a small bench and a dumbbell set can be just as effective. Not only can you do a mock bench press with dumbbells, you can do many other weight training exercises that focus on specific muscle groups.

Many women avoid weight training for fear that it will be too effective and cause them to look like body builders. For the most part, women do not possess the genetics or natural chemical balance to bulk up quickly. Instead, most women who use weight training as a fitness tool will notice that their arms and legs will actually become leaner and more toned.

However, maintaining good cardiovascular health is important too. Some of the most popular home exercise equipment for cardiovascular health is the exercise bike and treadmill. The elliptical has also become very popular in recent years. Many people decide to buy a bicycle for their home exercise equipment as a way of getting out of the house and doing something. However, there are many times of the year that weather conditions do not permit one to ride a bike, or make it undesirable.

Whatever you decide to get for your first piece of home exercise equipment, make sure it is something you will use. Many people will spend thousands of dollars on home exercise equipment thinking that it will give them the motivation to work out, but if you are not inclined to workout, buying a lot of home exercise equipment will not help. However, getting home exercise equipment you enjoy will help make it a little easier to workout and help you get into a solid routine.

For much more informational value go here: Build Up Muscle Strength and go to Bodybuilding Workouts similarly Muscle Building For Women

Monday, October 27, 2008

7 Things you can do today to get rid of a beer gut

There is much hype and misinformation surrounding the subject of how to get rid of a beer gut. If you can get past the infomercials selling their ab machines, diet supplements and magic pills you'll have a much better chance of actually seeing some proper results and holding on to the money in your pocket.

Like anything in life that involves hard work and desirable results there are no shortcuts. A task such as this requires some fundamental changes in how you live your life and exchanging bad habits for good ones. Here are 7 small life changes you can make to your every day routine to help to get rid of a beer gut:

1. Park the car a few blocks from work forcing you to walk the rest of the journey every day to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. If you take the bus or train try and get off a stop or 2 early (take a change of shoes for this).

2. Try and avoid taking lifts and escalators if there are stairs you can take instead.

3. Swap coffee for green tea.

4. Split your meals up into 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day, this will increase your metabolism and therefore burn more fat.

5. Drink lots of water, particularly when you get up and before you go to bed.

6. Eat larger meals earlier in the day when you need the energy and smaller ones in the evening when extra energy will only end up being stored as fat. Remember this expression;- "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a pauper" but try and split this into 5 or 6 meals instead of the usual 3.

7. Be conscious of how you sit at your desk or how you hold yourself during your day to day routine. One of the best ways to develop a flat tummy is to exercise your transverse abdominus. You do this by holding in your stomach (without holding your breath). Aim to see how long you can hold it in for and better your time every day. Drawing your belly button into your spine is sometimes referred to as 'activating your core'. If you work at a computer set a calendar reminder to 'activate your core' several times a day. If you don't work at a computer set your watch or phone alarm to remind you to do this. Tensing your stomach muscles and drawing your naval into your spine is something you can do sitting or standing and in almost any situation.

These 7 tips can make a world of difference to helping you get rid of a beer gut if you add them to your daily routine. Proper diet and exercise play an important part as well, however it is possible to ‘multitask’ and lose your beer gut when you’re at work and even at play.

If you combine these routine changes with a solid exercise and diet system you’ll start seeing results a lot quicker than you thought possible. Of course you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right diet and exercise systems such as the ones featured on

For more every day diet and exercise tips be sure to check out my site for in depth info on how to most effectively get rid of a beer gut and develop rock hard 6-pack abs.

Just how does the wedding day diet differ from the others?

Unfortunately we're not all built like skinny film stars but on our wedding day we want to be as attractive and slim as we possibly can. And if that means shedding a few pounds before the big day, then so be it. 

Now, your wedding may only be a short time away, maybe a few weeks or a couple of months. If that’s the case then you’re going to need to get a move on. Suppose you want to lose 15lbs. Now, that is more than most people lose on a diet and I can tell you that if you did actually lose that much, you would really notice a change in your figure.

How is the wedding day diet different?

In a normal diet plan, you'll probably be told to change your eating habits, take more exercise, drink loads of water, you know the sort of thing, you've heard it so often. The normal target for a weight loss plan of this type is typically in the range of 1.5 or 2 pounds per week. If you diet at that rate then there's no question that you would miss your target by miles. 

The wedding day diet however is a lot more aggressive and, if followed correctly, claims an average weight loss of about 10 pounds in 2 weeks. If you can maintain your motivation (what could provide you with more motivation than your wedding day?) you ought to be able to lose all of that weight in just 3 weeks.

And how does the wedding day diet work? Well, one of its most revolutionary features is what the people at Strip That Fat call the STF Diet Generator. A what? you ask - well it's a very useful tool that can prepare meal plans for you, centred around the foods that you particularly like. You tell it what you prefer and it does the rest. There's no one telling you what you can and cannot eat. That's right, the diet generator will develop a personalised meal plan based on the foods that you want to eat. It puts you in firm control of your weight loss plan. And, with you in the driving seat you'll find it so much easier. As you can see, this is very different from the conventional method and explains why Strip that Fat has been so incredibly successful. Obvioulsy it's not going to handle daft suggestions - such as hot dogs, jello and burgers - but it will do its best to provide you with a diet that you actually WANT to eat.

The STF Diet Generator is just one of the innovative concepts included in the Strip  That Fat weight loss program and it is, without doubt, the best wedding day diet available.  There are numerous weight loss plans and clubs out there, some of them have been going for years, promoting the same old tired information that has let so many women down, time and again. If your wedding day is just a few weeks away, then you need to get your skates on - there is a lengthy review of Strip That Fat here - see if it can help you before you run out of time. Well, I'm darned sure it can.