Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feel Better With These Back Pain Tips

posture pain

According to past research and studies, nearly 80% of all Americans will experience some type of back pain in their lives. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons believes this as well, as they say 80% of us out there will encounter some type of problem with our back before we die.

Traditionally, the treatment for lower back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on muscles that are tight, which will provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the imbalances of the muscles. The spinal column is supported by the muscles that surround the spine.

Every muscle between the hips and shoulders are included as well, as these muscles are referred to as the core muscles. Back pain can be a result of muscle imbalances caused by any of these core muscles. If the back of your thighs are weaker than the front of your thighs, there will be an uneven pull on the front of your spinal column.

There are some effective ways that you can integrate core strength training exercises into all of the exercises you perform, rather than doing just the traditional crunches and sit-ups. Another way is to take regular breaths. Deep breathing will utilize your diaphragm muscles which will help support the spinal column and lengthen the spine, which is great for your lower back and supporting you when you walk or run.

The tummy tuck and bridge lift can also help you to reduce sciatic pain and strengthen the core muscles as well. The tummy tuck exercise is a simple pelvic tilt that draws the abdominal muscles away from the floor. Do perform a tummy tuck, simply lie face down on the floor and squeeze your glutes to strengthen your spine.

Instead of pressing into your thighs, you should instead reach your tailbone down towards your heels. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and alternate them until you have completed a couple of sets.

For the bridge, place your feet on a bench or on the floor and scoop your pelvis upward, as your rib cage should stay low to reduce any irritation to your spinal muscles. The bridge will help to relieve stress on your back and focus the muscle contractions into the glutes and the hamstrings.

Other exercises for lower back pain are the lumbar side stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches, as all three can help to alleviate pull on your spinal column.

Hip flexor stretch

When doing a hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward in a bent knee, 90 degree angle, while your other leg is on the floor behind you with your foot pointed upwards toward the ceiling. The hip flexor stretch will help to open up the muscles of your back on the side of the spine near your hips. You can also squeeze your glutes as well to deepen the stretch with each breath you exhale. You should begin to feel a stretch in your back leg, in the thigh front and the hamstrings on your front leg.

Lumbar side stretch

This stretch will bring your legs wide with your knees bent while you sit or stand. Simply bring one hand down towards your foot on the inside of the thighs and your other hand behind your head.

The last stretch will open up your Achilles tendon, which is the most distant pull on the spine. Therefore, lean forward with an object under your foot. Maintain a fluid breath while you hold stretches for 30 seconds or so. After a while, you should begin to feel a stretch behind your knee and shin.

Body Building: The Art Of The Diet

Legendary body building mogul Joe Weider once said that the true secret to body building success what found in the proper body building diet. What Weider meant was that people who over eat and pack their body with fat ultimately harm all the benefits of body building because the lean, ripped look becomes impossible to attain. Hence, if you eat the proper body building diet of low fat, high protein and decent carbs you will do ok. Now, while a body building diet will consume more calories than a common diet, there are certain considerations that also must be understood as well.

The Myths Of Metabolism

While it is true that a ton of calories eaten will be burned while working out, there will also be a metabolic calorie burning effect that will occur as well, but please keep in mind that it is wrong to over do it! The larger the mass of a person is, the more the person will want to eat more and more.

This is not a bizarre side effect it is simply a logical reaction the body will have to maintaining a significant volume of muscle mass. Keep in mind, muscle is significantly more dense than fat and this means that muscle will require more calories to maintain its size. This is why muscle bound people do not pack on fat when they increase their calorie intake – the muscles burn the calories by “eating” the excess calories. Now, that is often misunderstood by people as a green light to eat whatever it is they want and in massive quantities.

This is a huge fallacy of the body building diet. That is, you will increase your calorie intake…slightly…but if you increase it ridiculously then you will start to pack on a lot of fat on top of whatever muscle that you have. The resultant physique will make you look like someone who enjoys working out, but enjoys overeating more. That is hardly the type of physique to aspire!

As one can see, there is a great deal of common sense associated with the body building diet. Basically, if you eat quality food you can get away with eating a lot provided you have solid muscle mass. However, once you slip into the fallacy of eating whatever you want and in significant amounts that far exceed what you need, you will find yourself undermining your own goals. Now who would want that?

Get up off that couch and join the fitness revolution. Make exercise and a healthy diet part of your daily  routine, you will be surprised at the difference it will have on your life.


What Is A Realistic Weight Loss Chart?

Is it possible for you to shed 10 pounds in a matter of 7 days?  Possibly, but you might die trying.

There are many weight loss charts being published today, most of which are promising tremendous amounts of pounds to be lost in a short span of time.  Which of these are telling the truth?  Which of these are realistic?  And which of these are just products of hard selling propaganda?

Let's start with the basic. People committed to reputable weight loss programs are most likely to lose 3 to 5 pounds per month, typically.  Individuals who are struggling to reduce weight by attempting to burn a third of the calories they consume per day highly probable to reduce only a pound in 30 days.  These are the realistic numbers for a weight loss chart.  These are the rational outcome you will obtain once you begin your journey towards losing weight.

So, can you lose 10 pounds in a week's time? Odds are, youwon't be able to … at least not in a healthy way.

Can you lose 5 pounds in a week's time?  This is more possible, though, it will require gargantuan efforts on your part.

Can you lose 3 pounds in a week's time? Oblige yourself to do a lot of fat-reducing actions from day to day and this is higly probable.

Can you lose a pound in a week's time?  Most weight loss programs can guarantee this much of a result.

A qualification to the foregoing, still: we're referring to a manageable weight reduction, not quick fixes to the problem of being overweight.  Boxers can reduce as many as 10 pound a few hours before weigh in, through sweating, abstaining, and stimulating bowel movement.  But when they have already attained the necessary weight, they tend to gain twice the number of pounds they lost, in a span of a single night at that!

There are countless quick weight loss plans you can pursue,however the effect will be as fast too.

Sustainable effects should be the one to pursue, and to acquire them, a valued and most reputable fat reduction program should be observed.

Home-Cooked Meals Are Great Food

Each day our lives get busier. We are always going from one place to the next for work or with our children. We have the temptation to stop at the closest fast food place rather than waiting to get home and make dinner. It is usually fast, cheap, there are many options to choose, and there can be found on virtually every street corner. Nevertheless, the next time you’re deciding on whether you should pick up something fast, think about how a home-cooked meal would be a better option for your family.

Fast food chains, in addition to other restaurant chains, become popular by offering the same or similar dishes at all their restaurants. That way no matter where you are or what location you go to eat, they will have your favorite dish. By doing this, they can keep customers coming back and you get what you want to eat.

A very big issue with these chains is the process they take to offer the same product at every restaurant. They accomplish this by mass producing food in. To help keep the food fresh and to make all of the food look and taste the same, the food is filled it with preservatives, coloring, and flavoring. The food is then frozen, sometimes for long periods of time.

The companies that produce fast food have intended it to be just that - fast. It’s also made to taste decent enough to get the person eating hooked and keep them coming back. Unsurprisingly, when the focus of the fast food chains are on speed and taste, the customer’s health is a low priority. Many fast food options are low in fiber and high in fat, calories, sugar, and salt.

In recent years lawsuits have caused fast food chains to offer more nourishing options, they are in general more costly and in spite of everything not incredibly healthy. For instance, while a salad may appear like an excellent choice, various salads at chain restaurants use cheese, bacon, high-fat dressing, croutons, and other unhealthy ingredients.

Bear in mind that just because you prepare a meal at home does not mean it’s not “fast food”. While prepared boxed or bagged meals are appealing because they are easy, several of them have identical problems as fast food restaurants. These types of foods have just as many preservatives, and can have the same amount of fat and calories, and just as low in nutrition.

If you’re looking for alternatives that you can quickly pull out of the freezer and warm up, why not prepare meals with the kids on the weekend and freeze your pre-cooked meals for later in the week? Additionally you can prepare pre-made lunches and snacks. If are going to use pre-packed food, attempt to use it in moderation and remember to read labels (ingredients lists too, not just fat and calories) to ensure you’re making the healthiest choice. While faster food may be convenient, taking time to make healthy home-made meals is well worth the effort.

For additional health tips and articles visit

Also check out or health blogit is updated daily.

Lower Back And Hip Pain, Important Information You Need To Know

Having lower back and hip pain now a days seems  very common. At least four out of five people will have it at some point in their life. Some people tend to have more symptoms than others and some factors are controllable, while others are not. Educating yourself more about lower back and hip pain is the first step towards being pain free.

The Three Categories Of Lower Back And Hip Pain

The three categories of lower back and hip pain are determined depending on how long your pain lasts and how often it occures. If the pain lasts less than three months, it is referred to as acute. Most back pain is of this type. It is easy to deal with and there is no need for a doctors care. Get yourself a few days of bed rest, then back on your feet and work through the pain. Exercise will assist with working out the pain, as will analgesics.

Some people suffer from recurring acute pain. While it is bothersome and frustrating to have the pain return, if you treat it carefully as before, it should go away again, hopefully forever this time.

If you have lower back and hip pain last longer than three months, and you are in pain most of the time,then  you have what is known as chronic back pain. It is advisable that you talk to your primary care physician, or try an alternative method, such as chiropractic care or acupuncture. Be sure to find a qualified professional, as you do not want to aggravate the problem!

 Hip and lower back pain during pregnancy changes the rules. Pregnant women can have backaches off and on throughout their pregnancy, primarily due to the growing uterus and straining ligaments. But once the baby is delivered, the back pain should ease.

 Likely Causes?

There can be many causes to lower back and hip pain. The most common cause being muscle strain, sciatica, an uneven pelvis or even one leg shorter than the other. You could have flat feet, or you even have very weak muscles that do not do an adequate job of protecting your spine. There are also other things that can cause lower back and hip pain.

Piriformis Syndrome: What Is It?

Piriformis syndrome is an inflammation in the piriformis muscle. This muscle is found very deep within the buttock, and it is the muscle that helps our hips to rotate. If there is tightness in the hamstring, the piriformis can become inflamed and sore, even to the outside back section of the buttock. It can swell and put pressure and inflammation on the sciatic nerve too, causing sciatica. Sitting can also aggravate this situation.

To relieve the lower back and hip pain and swelling, it is wise to use ice (wrapped in a towel for twenty minutes, several times a day). Taking an anti-inflammatory medicine will also help, if you don’t mind taking a drug to ease matters. If touch is tolerable, massage the muscle deep into the tissues. Also strengthen and stretch out the hip area, using exercises targeting the hip, lower back and hamstring muscles.

To Learn More - Click Here!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

How To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Do you wish to lose 15 pounds fast? There are three kinds of pounds you can lose - water, fat or muscle - which ones do you want to lose?

Did you know that most people when they talk about losing weight, don't really know what exactly they are talking about. For nearly everyone fat comes into the mind, when they hear the word weight, but fat is only a part of it.

If the scale readout at the end is the most important part for you, then it probably doesn't matter if you lose fat, muscle or water. If you want to lose that extra bulge around your middle, then you're looking to lose 15 pounds of fat fast.

It doesn't matter if you want to lose fat or pounds, what you need to know is that water makes out a good part of that weight loss. In fact, during the first few days of any diet, water makes up the majority of loss.

Thousands of sites on the net pretend that they can demonstrate you how to lose 15 pounds fast. What they don't always tell you is that losing weight fast can be dangerous to your health. Of course, it all depends what you think to be 'fast'. For some people, a month would be fast while others see it as something more immediately, like a few days or a week.

To lose 15 pounds within a months would be the better goal, as it is a lot more achievable. Still, it can be risky if you don't approach your weight loss correctly.

To lose 15 pounds fast, you can't just lose water, which of course would be the easiest to lose. It is not possible for your body to stay alive without water. Deprive it of too much water and it will begin to break down.

Starving will not solve your problem either. In fact, not eating will cause your body to retain and even gain weight. Denying your body it's nutrients, will trigger the alarm. Desperately trying to survive, your body will hold onto every little piece you eat - this will add weight.

The best way to lose 15 pounds fast is by eating foods such as meat that use more of your energy to digest it. Of course you could start eating nothing else then fish or meat, but this is not a very healthy option either. You need hold onto a well-rounded diet, that supports your body with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You can eat a well-balanced diet and still lose weight if you know which foods to choose. Don't start your weight loss plan without taking measurements of your body and don't forget the body weight and fat index. To measure the body fat content you can use special calipers, which are often part of tool kits available at weight loss centers. Keep these figures handy so you can see your progress.

Below are 5 key points which will help you to lose 15 pounds fast:

1) Avoid foods that cause water retention, like salt. Stop using salt and you will see how your weight starts to drop.

2) Always eat 4-6 small portions daily, instead of 3 big ones - this will help your body's digestive system to work correctly.

3) Try to add raw foods to your diet, which require more energy for your body to digest.

4) Drink more the 8 glasses of water during the day, this will help you increase your metabolism.

5) Exercise to build muscle, because muscle increases your metabolism naturally.

Always re-measure your body and weight every week or so and in case you aren't seeing any positive improvements, adjust your weight loss plan and exercises.

You can lose 15 pounds fast if you stay with your plan and don't give up, no matter what!

Friday, August 29, 2008

How to Get Rid of Chest fat - 3 Possible Ways

Gynecomastia or in more common term man boobs as become more and more of a problem for around %40 of the male population. Around 40% of the male population will suffer from this condition at one point in their life. Most of the reported gynecomastia cases are simply a cosmetic affliction but in some cases it is the side effect of a more important condition. There is no formal cure for gynecomastia right now but fortunately there are ways to get rid of it.

Possible Ways for Getting Rid of Chest Fat

If you are suffering from this condition you are already aware that this condition, although it is simply a cosmetic condition, can have serious ramifications for your social life, love life or any other aspect of your life. Man boobs sufferers are actively looking for a way to get rid of that excess fat in their chest.

Many men try to get rid of their chest fat by going to the gym and perform various exercises routines. Unfortunately very few men experience the desired result with this method. Exercises are a very good starting point for getting rid of chest fat, but very few trainers are specialized to treat this type of condition.

Can you get rid of man boobs completely?

Many men where able to do it and so can you, there are different treatments available for you to choose from.

Option #1: Surgery

Many sufferers have opted for cosmetic surgery to get rid of their chest fat. The procedure is very effective but also very expensive (between $4000 and $8000). It is no covered by insurance companies and there are risks involved.

- Asymmetry between the two sides of the chest - Scarring - Contour Deformities - The need for further surgery

Option #2: Natural Supplements

There are different natural supplements on the market that have been developed for men suffering from man boobs. Many men were able to get rid of their chest fat using this type of treatment. This form of treatment is 100% natural, affordable and easy to do. Unfortunately some of these treatments are effective while others are just scams.

Option #3: Step-by-Step training Programs for Man boobs

One of the most popular forms of treatment to get rid of chest fat is the step-by-step diet and fitness program to get rid of chest fat. Those program where developed by ex-man boobs sufferer to help you get rid of this condition. These programs are very effective and highly respected. Many men achieved great results using this type of treatment.

The decision is in your hands now, you now have three possible options to lose your chest fat. Do your research and choose the best treatment according to your needs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lower Back Pain – What’s It All About?

Since four out of five of people have back pain, often lower back pain, sometime in their life, we should know what causes it and how to avoid it.

Causes Of Lower Back Pain

As we get older, our bodies tend to lose their muscle elasticity and tone, as well as bone strength. The discs in our spine lose fluid and flexibility, and they can’t cushion the vertebrae as well anymore. Aging is one reason we get lower back pain.

If the muscles or ligaments in the back have a spasm, sprain or strain, the discs in the spine can rupture or bulge. That puts a lot of pressure on the nerves that are based in the spinal cord. When there is compression or irritation in those nerve roots, the back complains by giving us pain. What causes the back spasm, sprain or strain? Usually some form of trauma or injury, for example attempting to lift something too heavy, or overstretching.

Degenerative diseases like arthritis or osteoporosis can also cause lower back pain. Other potential factors are congenital abnormalities in the spine, viral infections and irritation to the joints and discs.

Some life conditions can also contribute to lower back pain. These include smoking, obesity, pregnancy weight gain, poor physical condition, stress, poor posture and poor sleeping position. Oftentimes, lower back and hip pain go hand in hand. If the body has scar tissue from previous injuries, buildup in the area can, over time, weaken the back and contribute to more serious injuries.

When To Worry About Lower Back Pain

If your lower back pain in accompanied by some other symptoms, it is time to take things more seriously and consult your primary care physician. The symptoms to watch out for include fever, pain while coughing, loss of bladder control or bowel control, progressive weakness in legs. These can indicate a pinched nerve or similar situation. If a person has diabetes, back pain can be related to neuropathy.

Avoiding Lower Back Pain

If you take proper care of your back in your day-to-day life, you can avoid lower back pain. If the back pain is recurring, there is a good chance it is from poor body mechanics. Be sure to have correct posture and to lift with your legs (instead of using your back), as well as strengthening your back with exercises. Be sure that your workplace follows healthy ergonomics, planning ahead by having furniture and tools and such to avoid injury, as this can protect the body from lower back pain.

Click Here To End Your Back Pain Today!

Living With Back Pain

More than 65 million Americans suffer from back pain every year. Back pain can develop anywhere from the neck to the lower spine. It is an all-too-familiar problem that can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that leaves you incapacitated.

Back pain should not be equated with a need for bed rest. Treatment is usually only necessary for chronic back pain, which is pain that lasts for more than 3 months. It can also directly result from disease of the internal organs, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss. Back pain is extremely common in today's society.

Back pain can come without warning, and it can be debilitating especially if you have to concentrate on your work. It is the second most common reason people visit their family physician (just behind upper respiratory infections). It could be acute or chronic.

Chronic back pain can be treated with or without surgery, although doctors usually recommend non-surgical treatments first, and can be caused from a wide array of conditions. It is the involuntary, habituated contraction of muscles induced by emotional issues, stress and an ongoing reaction to the pain (except where there is a severe physical injury or a documented disease process). It tends to last a long time, and is not relieved by standard types of medical management.Chronic back pain can become a lifelong burden for the patient.

Lower back pain can occur in people who are overweight, in poor physical shape, have poor posture or are compelled to sit or stand for long periods of time. It is one of the most common causes of job-related disability and why some people miss work.

Back pain can develop anywhere from the neck to the lower spine. It is an all-too-familiar problem that can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that leaves you incapacitated.

Click Here To Learn More!

Back Pain Relief: How To Avoid Surgery

Surgery May Not Be The Right Treatment For Back Pain

It used to be that if a person had a lot of back pain their doctor would recommend surgery to fix the problem. Following the surgery, the person would usually be on bed rest for a few weeks, and then, if all went well, their back would be better - unless it wasn’t. In the past, experts agree, there was too much back surgery done. Most people weren’t any better after the surgery, and many were worse.

Now, research has shown that most back pain, even lower back pain, will resolve itself without surgery, given rest and time. In fact, for most back pain, all other options should be tried prior to scheduling surgery on the back. Less than one percent of all people ever actually need surgery for their back pain, though four out of every five people have back pain at some time in their life.

Who Needs Surgery?

Generally, physicians believe that surgery should only be considered if other methods have been tried and were unsuccessful at relieving the back pain (or the pain returns), the pain is significantly affecting a person's day-to-day life, or if left alone the back condition could deteriorate into a more serious state.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Physical therapy can be a great way to help the back and spine heal. Along with special, specific exercises, often the physical therapist will use other modalities, such as heat or cold therapy (reduces inflammation, pain and muscle spasms), ultrasound (uses sound waves to head and encourage circulation and reduces inflammation, pain and muscle spasms), massage, spinal traction, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) (uses a painless electrical currently on certain nerves to relieve pain and improve mobility of the back) and water therapy.

Some patients find relief by using medication to relieve their back pain. There are many kinds, some over the counter and others prescription. They include muscle relaxants, analgesics and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Spinal injections can relieve pain and help the doctor determine the reason for the back pain. Two kinds are Facet Joint Injections and Epidural Steroid Injections. Spinal injections are not used alone, but are used along with physical therapy and exercise. They should always be recommended or prescribed by your doctor.

Often, chiropractic care can help relieve back pain. They can palpate, apply pressure, manipulate, massage and use other methods to re-align the vertebrae of the spine.

Other methods for dealing with back pain are considered alternative medicine. They include acupuncture, certain herbal medicines and biofeedback. If you use one of these therapies, be sure to have a reputable practitioner.

Learn How To Eliminate Back Pain-Click Here!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Deciding On an Quality Anti Cellulite Aid

Cellulite is something that is hard to avoid. You can exercise constantly, eat low-fat foods, keep within your ideal body mass index, and still get ugly cellulite. After trying all of the anti cellulite remedies available at your local pharmacy,purchasing the seemingly best cellulite remedies that you can find at the departments stores, performing all of the home remedy anti cellulite treatments you could unearth, you are still left with unsightly dimpled thighs, buttocks, and stomach. What are you to do? Nothing seems to be working, and all you want to do is find an anti cellulite product that works for you. The answer for you could be to use a medical anti cellulite product. This kind of anti cellulite product is much more effective (and pricey!) than the over the counter anti cellulite treatments or home remedies. Now comes the hardest part: which medical anti cellulite aid is for you? There are many different varieties of medical anti cellulite therapies. There are deep tissue massages, which may work, but are really not long-lasting remedies. The Endermologie machine works to lift skin to get a intense, subdermal massage to the underlying fattylayers. This is very positively acclaimed. In addition, there is localized, superficial liposuction. This is a more controversial procedure, as a patient with an inhospitable skin type could wind up looking worse after the liposuction than before! In addition to the previously mentioned procedures, there is also an anti cellulite aid in the medical community called soft tissue augmentation. This is where fat is injected into localized areas, such as the pocket of cellulite. It will push out the dimple, giving it a smooth appearance. Mesotherapy is alot like this type of liposuction as an anti cellulite treatment. The only problem with mesotherapy is that the chemical injected is uncontrollable, and it is possible for it to spread after it is injected. Your cellulite prevention remedy may end up giving you more dimples than you had before you had the treatment! There are countless different types of anti cellulite remedies treatments available through the medical community. Honestly, the best way to decide what is the best cellulite treatment for you is through trial and error. This may be very costly when using a medical anti cellulite aid, so make sure that you look up many consumer reviews and medical reviews on each anti cellulite treamtment before you attempt it. You do not want to pay a large sum of money only to end up looking the same, or on ocassion, looking much worse.

Review On Fat Loss For Idiots Diet - Does It Really Work?

There aren't many weight loss programs available that will work better than Fat Loss For Idiots. In my experiences with weight loss programs this one gets five out of five stars, because of everything that is offered. In its most basic terms, this is the program to help you lose weight. I really appreciated that the Fat Loss For Idiots program offered so many varied approaches. It is more than the inept following a strict diet plan. Nearly every side of fat loss is covered with this total program.

Your first step will be to learn to make better choices when eating so that you lose and keep weight off. You will be given good advice on how to make changes in your diet. The first idea that pops into your head might be that this sounds like the same things you've already tried, such as eating better and being more active. It is different than you think, you will be amazed. (that are proven scientifically). Items including the most beneficial meal times, how to pick menu items when you're in a restaurant, how you can include enjoying alcohol while on a diet and, it goes without saying, a whole lot more. I'd hate to spoil it for you by giving everything away.

The "calorie shifting" program is the most excellent unique aspect of Fat Loss For Idiots- it can't be found anywhere else! In this calorie shifting process you will be rotating the foods that will be burning the most fat ( no those are not the ones that you are thinking about think again), while you are on your diet. This prevents your body's metabolism from becoming accustomed to a certain pattern and get bogged down. It is a very potent system to help you lose pounds with ease.

Something to watch for is the Fat Loss For Idiots Online Diet Generator, its a fantastic resource. Dieting is is a lot easier when you can still enjoy your favorite foods, which you can enter into the generator. After this it will set up an eleven day diet plan for you optimized to your taste. What is truly amazing about this program is on this program you are allowed to eat foods that you really like and not some processed garbage that is supposed to resemble food and is supposed to be healthy but tastes like cardboard. The use of this tool alone is worth five stars within it self. This is probably the easiest thing I have ever done.

Why not start now, you only have the weight to lose!

The Fat Loss For Idiots program is really what it says - so easy that an idiot could do it. Go to to get started with Fat Loss 4 Idiots!