Monday, December 15, 2008

New Anti Aging Supplement Treats Metabolic Syndrome

If you are one of the 25% of Americans not taking care of yourself, chances are you have Metabolic Syndrome. If you are over 40, have an expanding waistline, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, poor diet, not enough exercise, high blood sugar (pre-diabetic), then you have this condition!

However, there is also a recent anti aging supplement that has proven helpful with metabolic syndrome.

Here are the symptoms:

  • An expanding waistline (35 inches for women, 40 inches for men)
  • A BMI (Base Metabolic Rate) of over 25
  • Triglyceride level over 150
  • A low HDL (good cholesterol) level
  • Blood pressure over 130/85
  • Higher than normal blood glucose level

Metabolic syndrome has different elements, so having just one element doesn't necessarily mean you have it. But if you have any 3 of the above conditions, you may be at risk.

Here's the bad news:

You're at risk for getting a heart attack or stroke - sooner than later.
You're at risk for getting diabetes.
You're among 25% of Americans with this condition.

Now for some good news

YOU can fix it.

Easy? Probably not. It requires a major lifestyle change. Diet and exercise should be first on your list of lifestyle changes.

For diet this means eating fewer calories and less saturated fat, and emphasizing whole grains, fish, and fruits and vegetables. Olive, safflower oil and nuts are good choices for unsaturated fats.

If you've been sedentary, begin exercising with brisk walking, about 30 minutes per day - 5 days a week. Gradually work up to 60 minutes of moderate activity at least 5 to 7 days a week.

More Good News:

An anti aging supplement has proven to also be helpful with your expanding waistline (visceral fat). It actually has been approved by the FDA as a new "dietary supplement".  What is interesting about this new supplement is that originally it was noted for its great antioxidant properties and has even been used in cosmetics! People in the clinical trials who took the supplement along with exercising, lost visceral fat twice as quickly and people that exercised without the supplement.

So here's the bad news: you still have to diet and exercise.

However, it's a good thing that there's something to help speed up your results - safely. It's made from Lychee Fruit Extract and Green Tea Extract. And it has other great anti aging benefits, too.

For more information about this new supplement: Oliginol for Metabolic Syndrome

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