Thursday, December 25, 2008

Develop Exercise Motivation Through Subliminal Messaging

"I joined a gym but before long I was skipping workouts.”

“The initial enthusiasm to exercise remains just that, “initial”. It lasts barely for a week or two.”

“The mention of the word exercise makes me feel lethargic!”

Does this sound like you? If yes, then perhaps these tips will keep you motivated enough to keep to your exercise routine.

How to stick to an exercise regimen

Reverse Psychology

All of us are aware of the benefits of exercising, yet they don’t seem to motivate us enough to stick to our chosen exercise regimen. A good idea is to use a little some reverse psychology on yourself. Remind yourself regularly of the harmful effects of a life without exercise. Stick a poster stating points like-increased risk of heart attack, obesity, high cholesterol, weaker bones in old age, lower immunity etc in your bathroom where you are most likely to spend a decent amount of time alone. A constant reminder of what going without exercise will do can help you stay motivated.

Choose the right physical activity

Choosing the right physical activity is also extremely important. All of us will of started an exercise routine at some point with a great passion and enthusiasm start enthusiastically a lot of us start viewing exercise as a mundane chore after a while. It's therefore important to pick a form of exercise that interests you. Spinning, weight lifting, dancing, muay thai, kickboxing, dancing, jogging, tennis aerobics, football, swimming or any other sports, pick whatever you prefer.

Work with your subconscious

Finally, more than anything else it is your own will power which can help you stay motivated to stick to an exercise program. You might make a lot of effort consciously, but you will get even better results when your subconscious is aligned exactly to these desires too. One way to do that is follow a hypnosis technique called “embracing a positive body image.” You could do this with help of a trained hypnotherapist or follow the steps listed below:

Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable position

Take a deep breath in and exhale

Imagine that with every out breath you are exhaling all your insecurities, fears and anxieties

Repeat this process for a few minutes

Now imagine yourself the way you want to look, fit and healthy

Embrace this image of yourself


Take a few deep breaths in and open your eyes.

This technique is extremely powerful, but you’ll need some practice to be able to do it yourself. Another interesting do-it-yourself technique is listening to an audio CD containing subliminal messages. Soundtracks in these Cds are embedded with messages that have been manipulated so that they are beyond the perception of your conscious mind (therefore the name subliminal). Subliminal messages are considered to be powerful enough to influence your subconscious and reprogram it in such a way that it becomes easier for you to stay focused on your goals.

However, subliminal messages for exercise motivation, hypnosis or any other technique will be beneficial only if you are consciously willing to work towards your goal.


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