Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Never Workout Without A Good Heart Rate Monitor

Not sure what a heart rate monitor is or how to use one? These monitors typically come with two different parts. The first is a chest belt detects your heart rate and then transmits it to the second part, which is a receiver on your wrist. It is a very useful addition to the kit of any runner as it gives an accurate reflection of just how hard you are exercising. Our own guesses are generally very unreliable and mean that we often end up running faster or slower than is good for us. A Garmin Heart Rate Monitor is a very good choice.

Have you been considering a heart rate monitor only to come away confused with all the information and the many different types of monitors that are out there. Some are simple, easy to use and considered to be a discount heart rate monitor. Their displays are huge and quite easy to read. In many cases these heart rate monitors also include a stopwatch along with the time of day. If you want a basic starter monitor, these heart rate monitors will work for any activity such as swimming, walking, aerobics, or cycling.

The next thing to look at is if it is a multi purpose heart rate monitor. These will generally have the standard features like Target Zone, Time, and Heart Rate. These monitors will often combine a sports wristwatch with a heart rate monitor. You can also pre install your exercise Target Zone, display the time of day and also use it as a stop watch. Many of these models will figure out exercise recovery time. You can wear these heart rate monitors as sports wrist watches when you aren't exercising. These monitors are very popular due to the features and functions.

The more advanced monitors will include features such as a great memory capability. These features may include to the ability to review workouts and calories burned. The calorie assessment is dependent on your body weight, gender and exercise heart rate. Many models will display the calories burned during an exercise session or total calories burned for the entire exercise session. All of these monitors have time of day and most include calendars. These monitors are ideal for someone on a weight loss work out program.

There are also monitors that provide advanced exercise feedback. This information is saved in the memory of the monitor and can be reviewed right after your work out. This type of monitor will give you lots of information about your workout that are stored in memory of the monitor. This may include data such as average heart rate lap times, the amount of time spent in or out of your target zone, along with calories burned. Most of these memory heart rate monitors also have interval timers so you can really fine tune your workouts. This type of heart rate monitor is excellent for looking back at your completed workouts and keeping track of your progress.

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