Whilst travelling around the world on bodybuilding seminars the most commonly asked question that is asked repeatedly by concerned bodybuilders is "Is it possible to build muscle and burn fat with a full body workout?"
Well you will be glad to know that the answer is a categorical yes. Have you ever heard the old wives tale saying that when you stop training your muscle will turn to fat, well a lot of old rubbish.
Muscle cells and fat cells are totally different and both respond to different types of stimulation. To basically increase your number of fat cells you need to increase your calorific intake and lead a sedentary lifestyle with a lack of physical exercise. Muscle cells on the other hand are stimulated to grow larger and multiply by applying resistance in the form of weights. Once the muscle has been subjected to this increase in resistance it requires adequate rest or recuperation time and most importantly correct nutrition in order in repair and increase in size. So in order to build muscle burn fat you need to incorporate brief high intensity exercise into your routine this will stimulate growth in the muscle cells and attack the cells which will in turn breakdown to release energy. You need then to ensure that you adhere to a well-balanced reduced calorie diet consisting of high protein, complex carbohydrates and good sources of fat.
Aim to reduce your daily calorific intake by 500 to 1000 calories below your base maintenance rate (body weight x 15) to ensure a gradual depletion of your body fat stores. As the number of intake calories are reduced the body looks for alternative sources of energy, the stored body fat is this alternative source. Muscles require extra calories for growth so you’ve guessed it the more muscle you build the more calories you burn. Follow these simple but effective guidelines and you will build muscle and burn fat guaranteed.
With over 25 years of build muscle and burn fat experience we would like to show you the most effective muscle building routine which guarantees to build muscle and burn fat.
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