Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Coral Calcium Benefits

Coral calcium benefits the body in many different ways.  Coral calcium is a mineral supplement that is harvested in a couple of very different ways which makes a big difference in its effectiveness. 


There are two basic forms: “Marine” coral and “Land” or fossilized coral calcium.  Although Bob Barefoot believes that all coral is good, there is a difference, good coral and the Best Coral. 


True Marine Coral Calcium (the best) is harvested with ecological safety and conservation from under the pristine waters around the islands of Okinawa Japan.  This highly beneficial supplement is called SMP 44 or Sango Mineral Powder 44 and is considered to be a unique marine miracle for health and in the opinion of Bob Barefoot, the best calcium supplement available.


The mineral nutrients contained in coral calcium combine to support all body chemistry.  The benefit of mineral supplementation has been well supported in scientific literature and the benefit of coral calcium has 600 years of history with millions of people word wide.


The main mineral component of coral calcium is calcium but contains several other essential mineral nutrients including substantial amounts of magnesium, zinc, strontium, boron and many more.


Coral calcium health benefits include:


Supplies essential Calcium which is the most abundant mineral in the human body that:


            Signals biochemical processes in the cells.

            Controls muscle contractions.

            Initiates DNA synthesis.

            Helps to Build Bones.

            Critical control of the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the body fluids.

Acidity results in the expulsion of oxygen from the body which can lead to numerous diseases, such as cancer, according to two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg.


The level of calcium intake in the Western diet is much lower in many people than is required for optimal health.  Supplementation with additional calcium and minerals has many health benefits that could support your healthy body for years to come.

The author Brad Riley is an associate and distributor for Bob Barefoot and has supported the teaching of coral calcium benefits for over 8 years. 

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