Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Found Back Pain Relief and So Can You

This is a true story. My name really is Linda Bills. I suffered from back pain for years. I tried everything. The doctors said it was degenerative. All they wanted to do was to give me more and more pills. I felt like a Zombie. It was affecting my ability to earn a living and even on all the medication, I still couldn't do all the things I used to love to do - like playing golf. I couldn't get through a day without all the pills.

Then one night, in the middle of the night, I lay on the floor all by myself for hours and hours and hours. I was only two feet from a phone, but I couldn't reach it to call for help. That's when I decided I needed to take matters in my own hands. I had to do something about my back pain.

Today I just finished 18 holes of golf. I feel young again and I am drug free. There is hope. And what I'm going to share with you are the many tips, tricks, and techniques that have helped me get my life back - and without drugs.

Don't let people deceive you into thinking that there is a "magic" cure. The truth is, it's only by doing a combination of things that you are going to be FREE once and for all from that nagging back ache.

Bearing in mind that the back is involved in just about any movement a person can make, it's no wonder that many with injuries or stresses are looking for back pain relief of any sort, even if it's some minor relief at the end of the day.  Being in constant and chronic pain can lead a person to depression and anxiety; while your case may not be at that point quite yet, it's still no wonder that so many are searching for some measure of back pain relief.


First of all, think about your environment and where you spend most of your time.  If that's at a desk in front of a computer, then back pain relief might begin with a better chair or setup.  Most office chairs put a tremendous amount of pressure on the hips and back since they usually push a person forward so he or she can see the computer.  This keeps those back muscles working overtime in a way they're not supposed to work.  Getting back pain relief might mean putting a footstool under your desk so that you can lean back and elevate your feet.  Pull your computer and keyboard forward so that you can still see it and don't need to hunch over it for eight or nine hours every day.


But even every life can cause back pain.  Many people ignore the advice of lifting with their legs rather than their backs and often haul their groceries, sporting goods equipment, children, and other heavy burdens every single day.  No wonder they're looking for back pain relief by the time the day is over!  Just taking proper care of your back during your everyday activities can go a long way toward you being pain-free.  Remember that while your back is very strong it's still a bundle of muscles that need to be taken care of just like any other part of the body.  You wouldn't expect to be able to carry a fifty pound sack in your arms without feeling pain after too long, so don't expect the same from your back.


There are many easy remedies for back pain relief including applying a heating pad to loosen up those muscles and encourage better blood flow.  Try putting a pillow under your knees when you lay down for support of the lower back and leg muscles.  A good massage can also go a long way toward back pain relief, so don't hesitate to find a spa in your area.  If you can't afford a massage you can try a school where you can get a massage from a senior student at a much more affordable rate.  Avoid sleeping on the floor, which is a common mistake that many people make.  This gives no support to your lower back or the back of your legs and usually just makes things worse.


Linda Bills who suffered with back pain for years has written a guide for back pain treatment called The 6 Biggest Mistakes That Back Pain Sufferers Make.  For a limited period you can get a FREE copy by visiting her Back Pain Website.



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