Why do people use sauna suits? Many people do so because it's great for helping you to lose water weight quickly. It also flushes out toxins from your body. You can wear it during a light workout or in more competitive activities such as boxing and wrestling. They're also the ideal outdoor gear for winter activities.
Sauna suits trap body heat. Wearing a sauna suit during a workout will cause you to perspire much more heavily than usual. The excessive perspiration leads to temporary weight loss because you're losing your water stores. Some people think they'll lose a lot of weight by wearing a sauna suit regularly. But keep in mind that it will only help you lose water weight, not fat.
It's critical that you drink lots of water when you work out in a sauna suit because it's easy to become dehydrated.
Some people use a sauna suit in combination with a body wrap. This treatment is greatly enhanced by the heat trapping capabilities of a sauna suit. And you can minimize the mess that results from common body wrap ingredients such as mud and clay.
Another excellent use for sauna suits is for staying warm. Because they effectively trap body heat, sauna suits are great for outdoor winter activities. They improve your circulation and keep your muscles warm due to their heat trapping effect.
Vinyl is a popular material for sauna suits because it's tough and can handle abuse. With aggressive activities such as boxing or wrestling, there's very little chance of the suit taking any damage.
A less costly option is a nylon sauna suit. They're a good choice if you plan on doing intense exercise because you won't sweat excessively. Good sauna suits made of nylon will have a light rubber coating on the inside to protect them from wear and tear.
You might be surprised at how inexpensive sauna suits can be. A good sauna suit will cost around $100, but you can get a basic one for $10 and up. Many sauna suits come in only a couple of sizes, either small-medium or large-extra large. If you're a petite female, be cautious of unisex sizes because they might be way too big.
The purpose of a sauna suit is to trap heat so that you can get hot and sweaty. So you need to watch for the details that will maximize this ability. Jackets should have a drawstring that you can tie at the waist. Pants should have elastic at the waist and ankles. Jackets should have elastic on the cuffs. As well, the zippers should be sturdy and impervious to rust.
Each time you wear it, you need to do some basic maintenance on your sauna suit. The combination of heat and perspiration is a breeding ground for bacteria. Use warm water and a mild cleanser to clean your suit, then hang it up to dry.
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8 years ago
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