Sunday, December 7, 2008

The best weight loss plan is also the fastest and easiest

The best weight loss plan invented

Let me explain the best weight loss plan: A FAST and EASY one that works. Meaning you lose weight the ONLY way you can lose it: By creating a calorie deficit. No pills, no fad diets, no colon cleansing, no hormones, no magic herbs. You will soon find out going about losing weight the right way, really is the best weight loss plan available. It reallt is best way- because it works! I don't care what the giant diet industry says in their commericals, not ONE thing they promote has been proven to work when it comes to PERMANENT weight loss.

This is the most ironic thing of all! All the weight loss scams we spend billions on, aren't shortcuts at all. They are not even long cuts. They either don't work at all- or they don't work permanently. Think of losing weight like traveling from New York to Los Angeles. There are many, many different ways to travel. There are slow ways and faster ways. Some ways are a lot harder than other ways. Some ways are safe and some are dangerous {not so safe}. You can get there in one day, or drag it out so long you never get there. How you get there and how quickly is a choice. Getting there the fastest way, the slowest way, or giving up is your personal choice. The entire journey is something you have total say over.

So what is the best way to be in charge of the entire trip- and get to where you want to go the fastest and easiest way possible? Eat healhy and get some real exercise. A healthy lifestyle doesn't make life harder, it makes it much, much easier. Healthy, fast, and easy weight loss will happen with a the creation of a small daily calorie deficit. Since nothing else will work- you might as well go about weight loss the best way possible- the way it really works!

Weight loss totally mathematical. One pound of fat stores around 3500 calories. Calories are units of energy. If you're inactive, it takes a long time to use up calories because little energy is being expended. The more active you are, the more energy used. Your body can't make calories out of thin air. Calories only come in as what you consume. Less food energy coming in, combined with more energy going out, creates weight loss. All in the math, all in the cause and effect.

How you create this calorie deficit doesn't matter [as long as you create it in a safe and
healthy way,. To start, take a VERY honest look at what you eat and how active you REALLY are.
You can't correct an issue that you refuse to acknowledge. If you eat a few dozen donuts a day and drink
several liters of Coke- that's not a healthy diet. You just will not lose weight on that diet- it
would be nearly impossible.

Do you see the “secret” to the best weight loss plan?

It's adding as many new weight loss habits as possible.

Meaning, the best way to lose weight is simply a better habit thing.

You have to change the OLD HABITS that are causing you to gain weight- over to NEW BETTER HABITS that cause you to lose weight. As simple as it sounds, this is where everyone fails. The know they need to “eat right and get some exercise” they just don't do that. Why? That's a very tricky and individual questions. I think the main reason is that unhealthy habits, just feel easier. However, if you don't have any interest in giving up junk food or going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa- you're wasting your time. Healthy weight loss can't happen without change. You have to stop doing what's bad for you- and start doing what is healthy. You have to take action and find the best way to lose weight that works for your lifestyle.

Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Get honest about what works. You MUST look where you need to change habits.

Step 2: Clean up that diet. This one is a slam dunk. Food from nature is healthy. Processed foods made in a factory are not good for you.

Step 3: Get active. What have doctors been telling us to do forever? Eat healthy food and get

Step 4: Take action. Get started on those new healthy weight loss habits. Nothing can
change until you get serious and make it change.

If you follow these 4 steps until they become your habits, you will be able to
choose your exact weight down to the pound forever.

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