There are probably many things you blame your job for - your gray hair, the worry lines around your face, your ulcers, and maybe even a few arguments you've had with your spouse that you know were just you taking your anger out on those at home. But what might your job have to do with your chronic low back pain?Sometimes we think because we aren't professional movers for a living that our work couldn't be causing our chronic problems? In reality many jobs can be the cause of consistent Low Back Pain , and this includes even office jobs and those that involve virtually no physical activity whatsoever. While you may not be able to use the information in this article to declare yourself disabled, you may find that there are some changes you can make to address the problem and get some relief.
For one thing remember that you don't need to be moving furniture or anything heavy in order to experience chronic low back pain. While physical activity can put quite a bit of stress and strain on this area, even just sitting for several hours at a time can also do it. How so?
Your Desk and Low Back Pain
The muscles of the lower back are at work constantly, even when a person is sitting still, standing still, or even reclining. This is because these muscles provide constant support for the upper body and sides. So you can get chronic low back pain even when you're sitting because those muscles are still working, perhaps not as much as the muscles of someone that does move furniture or lift boxes for a living, but they're working nonetheless. Also, most people that work at a desk all day really don't have proper support for their back muscles. They often lean forward for hours at a time in order to type on a computer. This leaning makes those back muscles work even harder since they're keeping you balanced and stop you from falling over or collapsing.Lower Back Pain happens because some of these tasks are not mean to be done for hours at a time.
Your Chair and Chronic Low Back Pain
Most people also sit in awful office chairs all day long, and these too contribute to chronic low back pain. Many office chairs give you no support when you lean back, and certainly not in the area of the lower back. As a matter of fact, most office chairs have a big gap and contain nothing in the area that should support the lower back! They also tend to collapse when you sit in them, meaning that there is more pressure on the hips which also causes chronic low back pain since the hip muscles are connected to the back muscles.
Be aware of these things and how they can be causing your chronic low back pain every day. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.
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