Sunday, September 7, 2008

Picking The Right Fishing Rods

There are fishing poles, and then there are fishing poles. There is a Rod for every fishing situation, and knowing the difference will certainly pay off in the long run.

While many may argue that the term "pole" refers to a relic of a tool while a "rod" is a more sophisticated piece of fishing equipment, the fact remains that the two terms are generally interchangeable. Whether called a pole or a rod, the tool has been fashioned in the same manner for many years, with the basic materials of graphite, carbon, fiberglass, bamboo or composites proving to be the main improvements. Another is in design, with different poles being used for different purposes. While there are many, the main types of fishing poles are fly fishing rods, spin casting rods and bait casting rods.

Fly fishing poles or rods need to have a lightweight and flexible feel. Bamboo fly fishing rods offer excellent quality, but generally are an costly purchase. Graphite rods are the most highly sought types on today’s market as they are strong, lightweight and yet flexible. Usually between 7 and 9 feet on length, the size of the stream or lake dictates which pole length should be used. The term “rod weight” actually describes the line size used on the pole, and can range between 1 and 15. This method of fishing is generally for a more experienced level, as it requires a fair deal of effort for the angler. This is because it is the line being cast rather than the lure.

Spin casting is a relatively easy skill to acquire, and is recommended to many beginners primarily for that reason. Shorter than most, the spin cast rod also requires high flexibility. The reel is the tool that needs the most practice, as it is a technique; however, it takes most people just a few minutes to learn. Located on the top of the fishing pole, the spin cast reel is within easy reach and control of the angler. The size of rod and line will vary depending on the type of fish being pursued; bass would need a heavier weight than a panfish would require.

During professional fishing tournaments, bait casting is the common method. Bait casting rods are heavier and longer, and stronger to be able to combat the fighting foe at the end of the line. This type of fishing pole is also very popular with bass fishermen due to the short time it takes to land their bass using the strong and powerful line. The reel also sits on the top of the pole, and is able to handle the heavyweight line needed to bring in “the big one”. Bait casting poles and reels take much more practice to master, and is considered to be more for the experienced angler.

Fishing poles vary widely to meet many needs, as is evident by those on the market today. There is a pole for every situation, and for many fishermen, having several rods means they are prepared for any situation.

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