Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bird Watching: Eyes That Catch The Wings

Flight has always captured people's attention.  Whether it is a propelled machine of human technology, or the soaring of feathered creatures, people, with feet planted firmly on the ground, will crane their heads upward, as they are in awe of the marvelous power of flight.  However, it is the beauty and majesty of the birds that display the greatest shows to those in admiration, as it is these species of nature, which are the truest of aviators.


The truest admirers of birds take delight in their natural abilities and marvels of flight, with absolutely not a single desire to cage, confine, coop, or hunt them.  These connoisseurs of such natural splendors of these fascinating and inspiring originators of winged flight are drawn to what is referred to as bird watching.


Men and Women of all ages, as well as children, can easily and accessibly become involved in the activity of bird watching.  Birds can be observed from any outside

environment and in all locations and settings.  All that one needs to become avidly involved are the accouterments of binoculars and a hat. And, for serious bird watchers, the supplemental enhancements of a map, a guidebook to reference the different species of birds, and a notebook to jot down the different birds viewed, along with possibly a digital camera.


A recent survey conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service revealed that bird watching is the most rapid growing activity among Americans seeking an outdoor activity.  Therefore, the fledgling bird watcher is in good company.  For camaraderie, interested individuals can enjoy the social aspects of a bird watchers or birding club, with locating such a group being as simplistic as getting online or through the local chamber of commerce.


The rewards and benefits of bird watching are considerable.  In today's society, it is definitely a Green Activity.  For the budget minded, it's an interest or hobby of minimal cost.  From the aspects of health, it provides plenty of fresh air, along with a degree of exercise at a relaxing, varying and modest pace.  Observation of these incredible winged gifts of nature constantly increases one's knowledge of the habits of birds amid various habitats, as well as the considerable variety of species, which amounts to eight hundred in North America alone.  As a natural antidote to the hectic and stressful pace that presently confronts so many individuals, the watching of birds can offer immense solitude.  Families can also foster and derive shared interest, along with spending valued quality time together.  Forget the instrumental tunes of the I Pods, portable DVD players and the like, and take pleasurable contentment in the natural songs of the feathered musicians.  Watching birds can be a sport enjoyed by one's self, with a family, or in a group.


In ancient times, birds were regarded as omens by various civilizations, as it was once believed that these winged creatures could forecast future events, on the observations of their directions of flight and variations of sound.  Presently, the health of a particular environment can be partially determined by the significance of scientific study.  Hence, the study of birds can provide us with a prospective view of nature in comparison to ecological effects, as a conduit between society and nature. 



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